
Does your heart keep careful watch, does your soul have a hiding place? Within this life, we will face trouble; there‘s danger all around. As difficult as they may be, there’s an adversary. He seeks to forever capture your soul, lurking; but unseen. A thief, so desperate; with just one intention. To infiltrate your heart, to get you to give up your destiny; without a fight. Be Vigilant, don’t let the thief steal your joy, your faith, your blessed assurance. Don’t let him burglarize your heart, but also don’t be alarmed; don’t hit the panic button. God’s love fights for you, His love defends you; let His love fortify your hope!

Be observant, be watchful, be very attentive; please be on the lookout. Keep your heart on high alert, be mindful; of all the underhanded schemes. Pay special attention, to all the backdoor intrusions; forever guard your heart, be Vigilant! For if the thief tried to rob our hearts of the Christmas love story. Why wouldn’t you truly think, that he would absolutely love; to forever kill your joy? Never surrender, but if your heart gets weary from the battles? Strategically retreat, into the hiding place; within the heart of the Savior!

Within this season of love, of giving; His love came, to bring Joy to the World. His love is forever Vigilant, to help fight your battles; to help give you the victory. His love has already crushed the head, of that lurking thief; put your trust and faith, in Him. What He has started in you, His love will surely complete. Let His love take your heart, from Glory to Glory; from Strength to Strength!


21 thoughts on “Vigilant!

  1. Perfect, we have to guard our precious Soul. I often speak of defending myself against evil in strong ways. The Battles are done and won by God, Holy Warrior Angels who are well equipped to protect and defend us. They are better placed to retaliate our foes than us.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I absolutely love this! Beautiful words and a beautiful reminder. Thanks very much. Stay vigilant! 👍

    “The enemy is not after your money or your stuff. He wants your mind. Your attitude. Your heart. Your faith. Your peace. Understand that you’re not being attacked over the tangible things in your life. The enemy is fighting you over the things you can’t see.” ~ Author Unknown

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  3. I am so sick of these huge and petty thieves and your post sealed it I cried so much looked for answers now I let them be as the lord surely will take their cases in hand as I recede all my love somehow this post at this mindset

    Liked by 1 person

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