The Message; My God!

My eyes are preparing to see a new year, but as for me and my heart; it’s another opportunity, to celebrate My God. Through the years, His love has brought my heart through many ups and downs. My soul has journeyed, finding His love; has been the journey. 2018 marks my fiftieth year, but it truly feels; the journey has just begun. For me, the strength of God’s love began; not when I was at my weakest. But when my heart forever knew, how to celebrate His greatness. The Savior of the world, the giver of salvation; My God. His love is the place my heart goes, when I need to hide from the rain. The place my soul resides, when the rain becomes a storm. My heart is kept within the valley; a love that is my provider, protector. A love that has become, my favorite hiding place; My God is!

My God is a way maker, a miracle worker, a promise keeper; the light in the darkness, that’s who My God is. My God wipes away every tear, mends broken hearts; a love that meets your every need. His love touches every life, a love that turns lives around; My God is the answer to it all. His love touches my heart, forever nestled up against my soul. A love working within my life, that’s My God. The world can shout down my beliefs; but they can never silence my heart, or disparage my soul. Because My God is awesome, His love forever reigns. He is great, and He should be greatly praised. He deserves my Hallelujah; My God!

“You are my God, and I will praise you! You are my God, and I will exalt you! Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.” Psalms‬ ‭118:28-29‬ ‭NLT‬‬


32 thoughts on “The Message; My God!

      1. Yes they are. The lyrics speak to the heart, they are oh so true. My Pastor loves, it minister beyond limits, capturing the very essence of who God Is, His power and His many names! Hallelujah!!!


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