The Message; No Love Greater!

In our weakness, there is a love; a love that is a strong tower. Power dwells within, the strongest love my heart will ever feel. The height no other love has ever shown, the length and breadth; what my soul would truly like to know. More than a conqueror, what we become; through this love. A love that frees hearts held captive, chained to the law; sin and death. A love that liberates hearts in bondage, strength in weakness. Through this love hearts have become justified, predestined; graciously called. If God’s love is for us, what can truly stand against; why put your trust in another? Hope thou in, find freedom within; there’s no love greater!

Your heart can climb up the highest mountain, your soul can set out across the deep blue sea to find. Just search your heart, check the crevices of your soul. When you look deep down within, you will forever find. Sin is great, but the love of Jesus is greater. Yes, this I know; not just because the Bible tells me so. Once your soul feels the depth, within your heart; it cannot be unfelt. How mighty, how much it defends; how much joy it gives. When the enemy tries to infiltrate your soul, He surrounds your heart with His love. There’s no rival, no equal; no love is greater!

My friends, this is your season for a great harvest. Put on your armor, pick up your sword; but let Jesus’ love fight the battle. King Jesus, may our hearts always stand on Your promise. May we always chase after Your heart, and forever embrace Your love. May we allow Your love become King of our hearts, Lord over our soul. Your name will crush our enemies, but Your love will forever defend us; celebrate His love daily. We can search the world, but there’s truly; No Love Greater!

“And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.” Philippians‬ ‭1:9-11‬ ‭NIV‬‬


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