Real Love, More than Scraps!

In a fragmented world, love is the glue, to mend broken-hearted. A little bit of love, scribbled on even a scrap of love’s endearing fabric. Remnants will be love’s scented fragrance, lingering on the breadth of the heart. Every snippets of time, you’re held in love’s embrace, it’s healing for the soul. Even, the smallest amount of love shown, remains a part of a longing heart. No heart, is a throw away, no soul should be discarded. Not even a scrap of love, should be something you throw out, or simply dispose of. For every heart, for love there will be a need. Love, not something you eliminate, but elevate. Love is restoration, true love refreshing; profound love restores. Heart and soul, to its rightful place, love becoming!

What do you do, when love won’t let your heart, be restrained? When love makes your soul pant, groan; shout the battle cry; to fight for what you believe in. Your love, no longer willing to be silent. What do you do, when a dry land, turns into a river? The heart cries, your love in a deeper place. What are you going to do, when life wants to plundered your heart, rob your soul of peace? What are you going to do, when the walls close in? Trying to trap you, imprison your faith, in unhealthy emotions? Hope held captive, the mind shackled by depression? What are you going to do, when the world says; your heart is fair game? That it’s okay, pretending your soul is deaf, acting like your heart is blind, to all the atrocities? What are you going to do, when darkness ties, to snuff out your light, take your breath? Yes, tell me? What do you do, when your heart and soul, will no longer be a slave, to fear of the unknown? What are you going to do, when you know your heart; is no longer tattered, but tethered? You, Raise a Hallelujah!


8 thoughts on “Real Love, More than Scraps!

  1. Beautiful words. This reminds me of the story u Matthew 15 when Jesus healed the Gentile’s woman daughter. Even though she was willing to take scraps Jesus showed her true love. Thanks for sharing

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  2. “What do you do, when love won’t let your heart, be restrained? When love makes your soul pant, groan; shout the battle cry; to fight for what you believe in. Your love, no longer willing to be silent.“❤️❤️❤️

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