Even, I Breathe!

Love, gives my soul the space, the time between every breath, let it be my oxygen. Early I learned, how to escape to it, in plain sight my silent hideaway. To it, I anchored my soul, trained my heart how to be consistent. And when, breathing became introverted, was my saving grace. Even when, the day takes my heart to a darkened path, unknown hovering like a toxic cloud. I didn’t hold my breath, I exhaled. Even if, life rocks me to my core, tried to take the wind from my sails, love became the breadth. One breath at a time, I breathed… in love. Even in, moments when my heart was gasping, trying to be. I look within, to see if my soul is still content living, one day at a time? Even though, breathing becomes heavy sometimes, knowing how to get the weight off my soul, helps my heart breathe easier. Even now, with the death of a child, my wife’s health, needing my heartstrings to be a lifeline, to keep her heart from drowning. The struggle, isn’t really about breathing even, but choosing to breathe, because love taught me how. Old habits die, when the heart empowers your soul to live, every day; anchored breathlessly!

Thank God, I can… Even!


Wednesday Proverb; Anchored!

Be anchored, hopes and dreams, unfastened from fear’s hold, reveals itself as destiny. A soul freed from life’s burdensome shackles, a heart beating freedom’s drum. It’s working, even though we may not see it; the sun, moon, and stars, elevate our revolving perception. A love that’s stirred, a love that’s deep, a love that’s wide, a love that’s sweet, a love that’s breathtaking. Escapes the soul, into the atmosphere, from within a heart anchored by the truth, there’s no fear in love. The manifested witness, knowing love’s unfailing strength, what tethers both heart and soul. The bonds of our humanity, never becomes severed, when love tugs on the heartstrings. Looking, for an anchoring solution, outside of love is irrelevant. Love is, the anchor to deepen every relative existence. Even, a light that’s dimly burning, still love able to shine for a lifetime, if even a flicker of light. A lantern anchored, needs only love to keep the wick lit, the light shining. It’s really that simple. As simple as a proverbial candle, symbolizing love and hope, in times of overwhelming pain. Love’s simplicity, with attached kindness, acts as a profound connection, giving love the ability to become. A heart secured, the soul tethered, anchored deeply in love!


A Love Story; Two Hearts!

Her love stepped into my world, my soul caught a glimpse, the silhouette of her essence. Her inner beauty, even from a distance, her presence swayed me, captured my heart, held my gaze. I didn’t know her heart, but captivated was I. Sweet lady, what my love called her. It was a busy scene, and when I thought I had lost her to another, her love whispered softly, and blew my mind. This Cinderella, must have known my intentions, know your quintessence, but instead you stole my heart. She play hard to get, wouldn’t get my heart back. Even though my love was shy, her hold yet so bold, the half not yet told. How she took me by the heart, and made us one with love’s endless waltz, to our I do. Breathless, two hearts in twine, I whispered my heart is thine, your love is so divine. Lovey lady, rest your head on my shoulders, your love is already on my heart. Her passion, the strength of her presence, slow dancing with my heart and soul, into the wee hours of my enchanted world!

Five minutes to midnight, the mood is right, slow dancing by candlelight, under the moon night. I felt it inside of me, there’s something going on, the feelings too strong to question, feels too good to be wrong. Neither one of us, not knowing how to say goodbye. Cinderella, the glass is half full, your love makes my outlook sparkle. I will not make the love slip through my heart, or be eclipse by the twilight. In the midnight hour, your love shimmers like the star you are. You have my heart on a mission, keep finding your love again and again, in my forevermore. Your love is candy, sweet drops of honey. Your smile, lights up the sky, glows in the starlight. Why wish on a thousand stars, my soul is convinced, heaven has sent you to be, my shining star. Hand in hand, barefoot along the sands of time. Your love will make me, better than I was, more than I am. It’s a perfect fit, the day your love slipped into my heart. The moment, your beauty penetrated my soul, and I became whole. Making this a timeless love story; two hearts, in no fairytale, living in an endless love!


The Optimist’s Quote!

A true optimist says with confidence, I will live today, with an open hand. Begin every tomorrow, with an open mind. Live life graciously, with an open heart. My open hand will reveal, what others need to see. My open mind will convey, I’m open to the consideration. My wide open heart, what sways my hand and mind, to never be closed minded. Openness, doesn’t need my optimism to become, just needs my love to be… true. A heart chasing butterflies, beholds love’s eclectic beauty. Profound love, revealed in openness’s commitment to be…. transparent. Regardless of open wounds, despite whatever circumstances the heart and soul will endure. Optimistic love, thrives in its transcendent openness. Open ended love, never questions the what, the how, the why. What would it leave itself wide open, why does it encourage us to let it be the reason, how does it become the answer? Love is the true optimist, why our hearts quote it, with such confidence!


Wednesday Proverb; Intentionally!

Whenever, you feel your mind racing, and it seems you’re in a race against time, hoping you will prevail. When, we know how to intentionally steady our soul, lace up the heartstrings, to stop tripping over our hopes and dreams. The breadth therein, will equip the breath within our soul. Love makes the heart race, not to show will power, but to display its strength. Intentionality, will always outpace deficiencies. In every race, speed is subjective, to give every moment its own perspective, to be reflective. Sometimes, the opponent is our insecurity, or a sprint trying to beat our own negativity to the finish line. Intentional actions, incentives, a positive result. Some days, we prepare for a marathon, a life well lived, will have to overcome a lifetime of obstacles. If we don’t view them as barriers, but an opportunity to shine, the soul thrives. Living intentionally, produces an inspiring story; picture it, frame it, let your legacy show it. Spiritually balanced living, empowers heart and soul, to be an overcomer. Every heart, has a proverbial blind spot, but when the peripheral lens is our shortcomings, missteps won’t define our humanity. Faith becomes resilient, not because of mind over matter, but because the heart intentionally, enables it to matter!


My Thoughts!

My thoughts, are just that. Some talk out loud, some are about me, some about people and things; the joy it brings. Some thoughts wander, some out into left field, but that’s okay; it’s in fields of dreams. Some thoughts I share, most I keep to myself. They say, sharing is caring, but oversharing, sometimes does more harm than good. If my opinion is asked, I don’t give my thoughts, I share what’s on my heart. Intellect is nothing tangible, without love being the source. An indulgent soul, doesn’t let thoughts express, what the heart needs to convey. Some thoughts say, I’m thinking about you, and some wonder; am I in your thoughts? My thoughts don’t project, tasteless thoughts, my heart rejects. So, they don’t end up on the tip of my tongue, becoming words, sliding recklessly off my lips. It’s not mind over matter, injecting love is what truly matters. In time, hurtful memories fade, some linger on the brain, the ones the heart can’t hide. The ones so real, it makes the heart feel. Some thoughts are romantic, some poetic, some deeply intrinsic. “Years in a silent river, made my heart a deep thinker, my soul a none drinker.” Thoughts will invade, some will elevate, some I anticipate, some escape me; they were never prisoners. Some reminisce the sweet moments, some leave me wondering, some find the heart grieving. Some thoughts provoke, some I invoke, for my heart to contemplate. My thoughts, are just that; these!


Staying, Close to the Sure!

Profound love, requires the heart to be at a place in life where; the sure never drifts far from your soul. Not where your heart has been, doesn’t necessarily mean over your head. Sync or swim, a heart drowning in love, keeps the soul closer to the sure. Passion, never counts the cost. The soothing breadth of love, what calms the waves within, an emotional see. Slowly and slowly, how a soul, drifts to the heart of indifference. Drifting, problematic only when the heart’s internal compass not yet persuaded, tomorrow brings a new horizon. Coming to the realization, deep places is where breathless love becomes, certain. Without, love’s certainty anchoring the soul, further and further, the heart will drift from the sure. If, love doesn’t become the voice on the wind, careless whispers, permeate the deafening silence. A soul free to love, a heart embodied fully, to love wholeheartedly. A heart can’t become full, if the soul doesn’t feel satisfied. The current love within the heart’s posture, brings the soul from the place the mind has drifted, to where the heart needs to be. No heart wants the perception, deep love is words, but the reassurance true love gives the soul. Love’s presence, builds confidence on the sure, yet calls the heart out into the deep. So, the soul can be deeply anchored, within the depth of love’s breathless ocean!


Wednesday Proverb; the Breadth!

Love’s profoundest breadth, hovers. Every search of the heart, how the soul discovers the deepest place. Where breathless love becomes, the place where drowning in love, takes the heart deeper. Even though, plight hides in the shadows. When our inner light shines, the breadth of love covers our heart. Giving our soul rest, even in the darkest nights. So many souls, are still waiting to exhale, love’s quintessential essence. That deepens the breadth in your soul, and enlightens the heart to truly know, to what degree the love within has been forever changed. Why, should a heart just wait for the exhale, when the life giving breadth of love, should permeate the depth of the soul. True love, doesn’t draw your breath, it takes it; makes the love divine. Love is made new, not with every breath taken, but when the breadth changes your heart’s perception. Love’s deeper meaning, more than sentiments, beyond self gain. Deep love could never have substance, without the evidence. A soul wide open, leaves the heart exposed. There’s no shame, looking like a fool, extending your heart, but the love not reciprocated. Love is the vision, seen only through the heart’s transparent lens. When the veil is removed, the breadth will transcend; space, time!


Within the Warmth!

In the dawn, the soul welcomes in the light. The heart, moving within the bliss, the moment, bringing with it a gentleness, the mist. When love’s presence hovers, when the reign falls, the breadth seeps. When passion spills, the moment fills; within depth of soul, love is this. The soul left bare, the heart now aware, the beauty never again missed. How time stands, how the warmth sits, how the breath, waits to exhale. And if, bitterness tries to deceive the soul, love comes wielding its truth, reveals itself to the heart. Deep love, profoundly deeper, than the deepest see. No eyes, could ever fathom what only, the heart was meant to perceive. Within the warmth of love’s embrace, the heartfelt essence is… known!