The Song!

Deep within my heart is a song. A song playing softly, a song playing endlessly; the sweetest of love songs; God’s love is the song!

A song heard within the moments, a song heard whenever my heart just needs to be moved for a moment. Still becomes my heart, but moved is my soul; every time my heart gets lost within the moment!

A song that is His heart, a song that’s within my heart; a song weaved throughout my soul. My heart will forever sing a song; love will forever be the song. My heart would never be the same, if my soul couldn’t forever dance; to a song that will forever be a love song!

Some days it’s a slow waltz, other days it’s time to get down and boogie, but every day; it’s just the rhythm within my heart. My heart goes to bed singing to it, my soul spends all night dreaming lyrics that’s part of it. Sometimes a lullaby, sometimes lyrics to get me by; but always a love song!

A song that speaks to my heart, a song that forever plays within my soul. God, take my soul to the dance floor; slow dance with my heart. Let my heart fall in love with Your song again and again. Hold me within the quietness, whisper into my heart within the darkness. You have uniquely composed a song specifically for the rhythm within my heart. Forever my heart will sing; but only our love song!



Babe, may I have your hand, may I forever have your heart? I promise that I will treat your heart like a lady. I will open the door, and let your love feel at home; forever within the depth of my soul. Woman may I just take this moment; a moment to bask in your sweet April rain? In May I once again get to celebrate your love, as my precious May flower. Your April rain is forever beating against my heart, your beautiful flower has forever captured my gaze. Let my heart strike a pose, closed caption; words don’t need to be said, your love already says so much!

Honey, come go with me on a stroll, it’s not far over on memory lane; forever is still our destination. Let’s reflect, yeah; no regrets, babe this love is still my destiny. The month of May is so so very special, I call it magical; two hearts forever became one. Lady I DO… remember; yesterday. Oh, who can ever forget yesterday, because your love will forever be my tomorrow. I took you by the hand, you had me by the heart. May, and a day within; ours to forever remember. Loving me for all these years may not have been easy, just know that my love will forever be true!

Babe I absolutely consider it pure joy, to wake up every day; to feel your love within my heart. May I look deeply into your heart, your love sees so deeply into my soul. My heart is a canvas, God’s love is the brush. Paint on it, say forever, I have your love; God’s love will turn it into a masterpiece. Girl this is truly a love thang, so may I tell you once again; iSwear, to love you Forever. Dear sweetness, your love pours into my soul. May our hearts together truly thrive, not just survive. Your love will forever be my honey, let my heart forever be your hive. Stored up with all the sweet love, your soul will ever desire!

Babe, may not always feel the wind on my breath, you may not always see the rain fall from my eyes. I may forget what happened in the other months, but I will never forget what happens within the month of May; your love makes my heart bloom. We’ve been married for thirty years, but I’m looking forward to the next thousand years. Sweet Lady, Thank You for helping my heart to become a portrait of a better man. May 28, 1988 was truly an amazing day. The day I looked into your heart and said; Forever I Do!


The Message; In The Midst!

When life hurts, and it’s your heart that feels the pain; love is in the midst.

When your heart feels undeserving, but your soul feels absolutely needy; love is in the midst.

When your soul feels fearful, but your heart feels desperate; love is in the midst.

When you’ve made so many mistakes, the right answer is still within reach; love is in the midst.

When trouble is all around you, and your heart just wants to feel at peace; love is in the midst.

When your heart is truly aching, and your soul just can’t live with all the faking; love is in the midst.

When your faith is absolutely shaken, and your soul feels absolutely broken; love is in the midst.

When your heart can’t seem to trust, but your soul knows it’s all about in whom you believe; love is in the midst.

Wipe the tears, even if your heart is just a little misty. Put your soul at ease, leave your heart at the foot of the cross. God’s love is always there; in the midst of it all.

When your heart feels truly contented, because your soul now knows a feeling so overwhelming. It’s okay to let your heart feel, your soul is in the midst of an amazing love; let it reign!

Picture taken on a iPhone 8 by,


K.I.D.S; Love Is The Battlefield!

They’re strong, and no one can ever convince them that there’re wrong; so love becomes a battlefield. They’re young, and they don’t give you any promises, even if you demand it; so love stays a battlefield. We battle every day, just to agree that we will always disagree. So the battlefield turns into a mind field; the chaos is now the war zone. They will never give in, but we shall never give up. There’s too much at stake; their hearts, and your sanity!

So the battle rages on, but for one simple reason. K.I.D.S; Kid Irritation Disorder Syndrome. There’s no cure for it, this is a lifelong dilemma. This is an infectious love, absolutely worth injecting into our hearts. But if we’re not careful; improper treatment, can devastate a home. One side effect, the struggle can drive you mad; if you let it. The cure; pray… for strength. Just remember, driving will always be a privilege; not a right. If that doesn’t work, they just might use their life savings; to buy you a one way ticket, aboard the train heading off the rails. The final destination; guilt trip central.

But what they fail to understand, is that you’ve been there done that… yourself. You have the t-shirt, saying it’s a lifetime commitment; on the love train, heading straight to the heart of what matters most. K.I.D.S is absolutely treatable; with the right amount of love and affection. So stay in the fight, endure to the very end. One day they will come to understand; love was the battlefield, but hearts become forever fortified. Heartache to heartache we stand, who can’t hear will feel; that the true battlefield, is outside the home!

The struggle is real, but this is a just cause; their hearts are absolutely worth fighting for. Don’t let it be about taking territory; who’s right, who’s wrong. Equip them for the battles ahead, equip them with the mantle of love. Soon and very soon, they too will need to know how to fight the good fight; when they have their own case of K.I.D.S. The heart of a warrior, will always hold on tight to the truth of love. True love will always fight the battles that counts. Winning the battles was never the goal, building a strong unbreakable bond; that becomes your forever victory. Search your hearts, there you will find the strength to stand. Love is a battlefield, but the fight; is absolutely worth it!


The Blind Man!

There once was a blind man, his mind was Asking, but his heart just needed to Seek; to know the love Knocking at the door of his heart. The blind man thought he needed sight to see, but he just needed the faith to believe. So the blind man started Asking; heart, can you truly believe in a love you can’t see? Then a small still voice said; Seek… first. So the blind man took hold of his baggage, he was taught to always follow his heart. He just couldn’t quite yet see; for his heart to be forever free of the baggage, he would need to be led by the spirit!

So the blind man started on the journey, and even though some blindness still covered his eyes; his heart was being opened. To see that the journey only required him to believe; faith would be the substance, that made everything else clear. The blind man was starting to see, but the vision was not yet clear. Everyone seemed as trees; their hearts were rooted within the world, but not grounded within the truth!

Along the journey the blind man sought to know the truth. Asking, Seeking, Knocking; he knew the steps, but still too blind to know how to be led. The blind man could see the truth, it was living within his heart. But so many around him just didn’t realize; to see, your heart would first have to be open. They couldn’t see the forest, they were trees; swaying, but he paid them no attention. His eyes were forever fixed on the light; hovering within the darkness!

So he kept his head down, but kept his heart vertical; his eyes were no longer blinded. So he studied, building true depth within his heart. Deep was the truth within, a love unspeakable; firm became the foundation. Years passed, and the once blind now had a story to tell. A love story, forever etched within his heart. The once blind man could finally see; that God’s love was the journey. Seeing was never the answer, believing was always the choice; that made hearts free, to forever see!



• iSwear, to love you with every breath within my beating heart.

• iSwear, to keep building my heart around your love; let my heart continue be your strong foundation.

• iSwear, to rise up each and every day, to call heart extremely blessed; to have your love as part of my soul.

• iSwear, to hold on tight, gaze endlessly into your heart; I’m not ready to let go of your heart.

• iSwear, that I will love you always, drop the “F” bomb; whenever you just need to hear it said. Woman, the “F” word my heart speak of, will always mean; Forever… iSwear!


The Reign!

Your love is the sound we hear; the reign. It beats against the pane of our hearts. Soothing the heart, a comfort to the soul; it’s the reign!

I feel the love reigning within my heart, I feel it reigning down into my soul. Let it pour to the depth, let it reign to the very end; the forever reign!

Let the reign forever overwhelm the heart. Make the rain never stop falling from our eyes. Let our heart be so overwhelmed, that the rain washes away every doubt; that Your love will forever reign!

Drench our hearts, let the reign seep into the crevices of our minds; and soak intimately into the depths of our souls. God Your love is the overflow, our forever reign!

My silent river will run deeper, my heart has become forever exposed. With just a touch, with every little kiss from Your love; our souls can feel the reign. Showers, Jesus, Your love is an outpour of showers. The clouds are opening, let our heart be always open, to know that Your love; forever reigns!


Dear Sweetness!

My sweetness, before our hearts became one; my soul was so bitter. But now it seems I can’t do without you, you’re a love so sweet. Continue to pour your sweetness into me, I promise to always receive your love; my soul still has a desire. Your love is truly a blessing; double double. Your sweetness is not just needed once, not twice; but three times it seems lately!

I could truly never get enough of your sweet love. Stir up your sweetness within my heart; my soul will never be into sugar free. Oh me, oh my; your sweetness will never stop being my weakness. I don’t want to be shaken, but need to have every bit of my soul; forever stirred up by you. Sweetness, you have such wonderful qualities. My my my, you truly are the sweetest!

You bring so much to the table, but would it be absolutely presumptuous of me; to call your heart my own delectably wrapped up sweetness?

There’s absolutely nothing else Equal, but you; you’re truly Splenda, in every way. Your love is absolutely Sweet and Low, felt deep within the depth of my soul. My sweetness, you will always have my undying love and affection; because your love fills me!

Oh, let me ask you this; does my love feel as hot today, as like the moment our hearts became one? I can handle the truth, or do you just see it as the sweet… tea; you once used to know? Your sugary substance is still the very essence; your love is still my delightful treat. Your heart is the sweet love my soul still craves; bitterness, no longer becomes me. Your love is just right for me, you’re just sweet like that. Thirty years my heart has been enjoying your sweetness; it’s a love thang. Just a spoonful of your love, is more than enough to sweeten my heart. Sugar, your love is, will always, will forever be; just right… for me!

Yours truly, Coffee; Black!


Write with Roy & amp; Dee Kay #1: Tinted Windows to Beautiful Rose !!!

This is a reblog found @ the following link!

I would like to thank the team over at the floating thoughts, for their invitation to collaborate with all the bloggers listed below on this poem. Have a read, and please don’t hesitate to visit their blog, and the blogs of all the contributors; they all have great content!

Dear Reader,

Witness the conversation that drips every drop of emotional exchange between a couple…a couple that was meant to drift apart…apart across the tinted window…window that encapsulates his heart into a dark cell and captures hers into a beautiful rose…

Will they ever come together?…


The poets have been mentioned with their verses and their blog links.

Find time to visit them in order to read beautiful poetry.

PS: Roy & Dee Kay feels humbled and touched by the love and participation shown by all the poets.

Watching you through those tinted windows
I see a trembling soul trapped inside a beautiful rose
Wounds of past are what you have chose
Over this recklessly silly lover of yours
Bundled in pains this heart wails of your woes
I do see them even when you don’t wish to show
Songs of our existence once which sounded mellow
Now fails to penetrate the depths of your lows
Melancholic my days pass by drowning in your sorrows
Helpless and powerless I stay bound to the promise in your shadows
Watching you through those tinted windows
I see a trembling soul trapped inside a beautiful rose…
(Roy & Dee Kay)

Girl :
Emotional thorns
that sprouted
from wounds of the past,
shy away
from your perceiving eyes
I do at times hear our song
but in the turmoil of my sorrows,
the beautiful melody… dies
please, look away
for within,
my tears bleed my heart
along with the promises
we might have whispered in the dark
please, look away
from my unseen love
that, for you, cries

the freedom you cling to, devoured
the rose you dwell in, shriveled and worn
the soul you foster, while innocent and mild
springs forth into darkness, blinded and torn
I continue to thirst for a love so sour
I sit in the garden and count down the hours
This day, this night, this echoing fear
What have you done to the hope that was near?
Tormented, you sift through the pain and decide
in the end, there was nothing to gain.
A bittersweet end, all the same.
(The Nashville Wife)

As you watch me through those tinted windows,
Observe carefully the words I chose
Take a hint from the dews planted upon my nose
I have cried rivers from the inflicted sorrows
It is the trick of the devil and he knows
of your recklessness and your woes
I feel your gaze as you peer,
Always after me so sincere.
I only tremble with fear,
praying you won’t appear.
My sorrow does not belong to my lover,
My pain belongs to you.
You took my heart and threw it away…
I remain beyond the tinted window

Loving you unconditionally was what I chose,
Your pain and sorrows did multifold
the throes within me that I never wished to show
“You are bound to his love”, are the words of my fellows,
I love you more than I show
Watching you through those tinted windows
I too want to get trapped in that beautiful rose
You and I then will tie our souls

Your beauty moves my heart, but my love is trapped;
this tinted glass won’t let my heart get to you.
So my love breathes, but just upon this dreaded glass.
Misty, my eyes are getting misty,
my love is just a breath,
a mist upon the glass.
Trembling, my heart is trembling;
my gaze is trapped within the soul of a beautiful rose.
Powerless, my heart stays absolutely powerless;
my heart is forever bound,
within the shadow of a beautiful rose!
(Warren Richards)

I can see you suffering from a distance,
But I can’t change your life in an instant,
For you warned me never to give you my guidance,
I can see your painful tears that pierce my heart with uncountable arrows
While watching the trembling soul trapped inside a beautiful rose.
(Tracy Muso )

The season spent in raging storm
have built around a fence of thorn
I ‘ve been deceived in all its form
In an attempt to hope and save my soul
so for the left  time  that I still own
I ‘ve learned to love this current home
Now, Ghost or real?
a hero comes from an endless dream
familiar voice but face unseen
a song I lift  from the windowsill
as to respond
My only bound
to the outside world
My first sunray

One day I hope for better tomorrows
When we again can talk about our sorrows
It may be cruel to say, one reaps what one sow.
I will not reproach you thus, Life is full of unearned woes.
I won’t pick over bones of regret like the pitiless crows
Until the day I’ll watch and wait, as your flower grows
Watching you through those tinted windows
I will always see a trembling soul trapped inside a beautiful rose

Not Guilty!

One day my heart stood accused, the list was so long. My fate was in the Judge’s hands, but He turned and said; not guilty. I don’t know how that could ever be? Judge, can’t you clearly see; that my sins are beyond forgiveness? He said I know, two witnesses came forward; Grace, and Mercy. The Judge said that they were willing to take my place, their love has paid the price; not guilty!

But Judge for years my soul has cursed God, with such a lethal heart; just hoping to die. But instead You’ve chosen to inject my heart, with so much love. Judge my actions are that of a truly sinful man, so why won’t You let my heart be condemned? Son, no double jeopardy, the slate has been wiped clean; your sins are forgiven, not guilty. Judge how about all the wrongs; not guilty. Then how about all my errors in judgment; not guilty!

The Judge just wouldn’t let me answer for my heart. Instead the Judge just raised His hands; that’s when I saw the scars. My heart was in awe, the rain fell from my eyes; how could my heart not be guilty? I fell on my knees, my heart felt so ashamed; but my soul was so grateful. Judge, I confess, it doesn’t matter what, they will say in the court of public opinion. My foolish heart helped in making the stripes necessary!

Oh God, I have a change of heart. The verdict is obvious, but You’ve shown my heart so much mercy. So many charges, but the sentence You’ve graciously set aside. Judge, Your love has forever rendered my heart; Not Guilty!