The Narrative; Seen!

What will the narrative be, when being seen gives an account; what does love look like? So many hearts pounder, can I be seen, will my worth be noticed; can erratic tendencies, become unseen? What can my heart do, for my humanity to be seen? Do I, have to pound against the unseen, shatter glass ceilings? Let it cut a thousand ways, to show my crimson hue. Barriers, breaking down the barriers, lets the soul breathe, the heart become seen. The art of overcoming, seeing fear drown, within unconditional love. Heard, if clamoring voices would become silent, every heart, would be heard. Within the flesh, love pushes against the narrative, to let the perception be. What the heart perceives, what the soul receives. Love wide open, leaves the heart exposed, into you to see. Some hearts race, some souls roar, some heartbeats thunder, piercing the mundane. So, the silence won’t become deafening, but the love profoundly telling; how your story matters. I am, we are; emotional, sympathetic, sentimental, compassionate, our love sometimes problematic. Some days feel long, the heart’s longing apparent. In an instant, the realization can feeling; your quintessence, inconsequential. Love’s endearing gaze, what makes a heart, feeling seen. Though, one’s pain is invisible, they are inevitable, the heart’s reality. But, with every rise and fall, with every breath taken, another glimpse, another encounter. The relevance, the evidence of being seen, becoming love’s heartwarming scene. The heart, though unseen, every desire the same, to be… Seen!


By Design; Picturesque Perspective!

Like a beautiful sunflower, deep love grows vibrantly, blossoms faithfully, flourishes naturally, sways gracefully. Love’s picturesque hue, reveals its essence. Its presentation bears good seed, representation of its growth. Perfection, not needed for a flower to survive. Unwavering devotion, deepens the roots, so the love can thrive!

Profound love, doesn’t become better because you got older. It’s profoundly deeper, because love, makes the heart able!

Love’s endearing portrayal, not what eyes can see, but what the soul believes. A heart, captured by the lens of love’s true beauty, will never lose sight of how, picturesque it has always been!

A little bit about myself. I don’t take selfie’s, don’t even have one on my phone, or any online. The Portrait here, is an old family photo we took about ten years ago, and turned into a design. Hope you enjoyed, today’s by design post!

WCR c/o Justinea Angelina Richards

Wednesday Proverb; Get Wisdom!

Wisdom, what heart can not afford it, what soul can truly live without it? It, will never be sold out, worth its weight, more precious than silver and gold. It can’t be bought, but can be grasped, its existence brought to bear. Wisdom, won’t let you sell yourself short. It’s never a stretch, to say it’s attainable, never out of reach, it’s sustainable. Even, an indifferent heart knows its worth. Its divine essence, eclipses time and space. When you’ve found it, cherish it, embrace it; keep it, close to your heart. For, the understanding will instruct, be your best friend. In your darkest moments, insight becomes the lantern, leading you to the path forward. And if, indifference tries to sway, wisdom says no way; fleeting words, can’t sway a made up heart. Wisdom, guards the heart, guides the mind. Won’t let the heart become complacent, won’t allow faith to be stagnant. In what, a heart hopes to attain, one thing needs to be this. Having, life’s proverbial teacher, will be a heart and soul, knowing how to exercise sound prudence. Why, whatever the cost, in all your getting; get wisdom!


Love’s Rhythmic Sway!

Love sways my soul, makes my love bold, has my heart’s posture, in a vertical hold. When, swagger tries to cut it, tries to interject its presence, into love’s divine sway. My heart objects, says no way; nothing else can ever make me sway, the same way. My soul will stay, captivated by love’s endless sway. Why play, let my heart be tempted to stray, by what they call swag these days. In such a time as this, I can’t allow my love to stagger, trying to prove something. A humble heart, beats without the need to prove anything. When you know love’s worth, no other sway, will ever be able to compete for your heart and mind, the love will never fray. In the dance we called life, it’s inevitable; sway and swagger, will have to tango, sometimes do the rumba. One partner’s well, because it’s a lifestyle. The other, not looking a partnership, showcasing a heart, just knowing how to freestyle. Sway makes the love linger, swagger trips up the heart, the soul left pointing the finger. Love teaches you, leads you through the difficult moments. A double minded love, a rhythmically challenged character; an uncoordinated heart and soul.

Love has that, some say; “je ne sais quoi,” but an attentive heart knows what, it’s an rhythmic sway. Like a beautiful flower, swaying in the breadth effortlessly. True love, sways with a gentle nudge, never with a forceful shove. Don’t judge a heart, that won’t bend to please, but nevertheless willing, to let love sway with ease. With every sway, love has its way, tells you how to be. Other sways, have come to test my frontal lobe, but cognitively I have resolved; never let my heart be swayed, to become a swaggering persona. Love’s natural sway, not about the right technique, but a love waltz with a unique intrinsic muse. A sway that holds you, dear, takes your breath. Love’s endearing sway, not about what eyes see, but what the heart believes. Sway doesn’t strut, doesn’t look to thrill, just the joy it brings. What seems routine, love gets you through it, the sway helps the heart do it, become love’s true reflection. When, freedom looks good on you, through it all everyone will see, love is holding you up. Swaying you deeply, your mind profoundly, your soul breathlessly, your heart forevermore!


Our Flaws!

Sometimes, fear, says we need to cover up our flaws, hide them deep inside. Flaws, will never tell the story; what a heart has to overcome. The battles we face, fortifies our resolve. To put our flaws on notice, that they don’t define our worth. Words cuts deep, sometimes, but that’s the beauty with our scars. They don’t have the power, to change a heart’s posture, we show how beautiful we are… inside. As imperfect as they are, weakness can become strength, with a change in our perspective. Even if, no one can relate to unique quirks, in your imperfection. Denial, can’t change our humanity; the same red blooded river, flows through every beating heart. Sometimes, when we look in the mirror, reflection bares our insecurities. But, we don’t have to hate, the way it makes us feel. Flaws, will never make it easy to strive, but embracing them, helps the heart thrive, not just survive. Some hearts, think flaws derail everything, but only becomes something, if we give it power. Blemishes, shouldn’t be able to change anything, but our perception, a flawed definition of everything. Some days, we get a bit unsure, if flaws will humble, or make our sure crumble. Many rivers we cross, and sometimes, tears weigh on our heart. Making it that much harder, to get to the other side, of the ocean. You don’t, have to know how to walk on water. Just have enough faith, to believe there’s a sure, in the horizon. Flaws don’t make, so therefore don’t let it break, your enduring hope!



Do you need, a superhero, a man of steel? My vulnerability you know, my heart of flesh, pierced by the deepest love. A mild mannered heart, empowered by a gentle soul. My love, doesn’t thrive trying to be everything. A complete version of who, I Am, makes my love capable. If you need me to have, strength to bear? Then, I will bare my soul, give the best of me. If day after day, you need a chef, willing to serve you his heart, give all his love? Absolutely, every day; I’ll feed your soul with my love, endearingly tend to your heart. If, you ever need my love to sway, I will do it a million ways, with the breadth of my love. My heart will leap any barrier, to let my love span a thousand sure’s. Whatever, your heart needs my love to be, becoming, won’t be a mission impossible, true love transcends…


When it Reigns!

They fall, overwhelmingly can persist, cascades heavily sometimes. What soul can contain it, what heart can restrain it; what will inevitably be? Some days, whether debates the time, the place, the moment. The forecast certain, particulars unbeknownst, how much, how often, how soon? Today, will tomorrow be, draped by clouded complexities? When the sunshine retreats, the veil lifted, the heart gets pierced. The revaluation ensues, one by one, they fall. A little, a lot, sometimes; when it reigns, it pours. Puddles don’t, necessarily represent only what has developed, but what has aspired. Its existence, can never be denied, the presence is felt. Tears, fall to reveal the joy, the sadness, our humanity!


Resounding Breadth of Love!

It’s in the wind, in what moves your soul, in natures breathtaking hue. Love resonates in every season, the reason why, a heart beats steadily. The stills whisper, calls to the soul, stops the heart. You look around, only to realize, it breathes in the stillness. The sound, echoing through the busy streets, playing throughout a breathless meadow. Like flowers, blooming beautifully in springtime, a symphonic presence in the summertime. Booming like the thunder, chirps like a beautiful songbird. Love’s expressive tone, paints the heart, in an mosaic expression, capturing its artistic essence. In the deepest ocean, love fathoms deep places. Heard, when rain drops on roses, when the sound echoes the window pane. It’s heard in laughter, in a baby’s voice. Love can make a heart cry, tears echoing the sound of joy. Why, so profound, truly renowned, beauty confounds. “Wise men say, only fools rush in, but, love can’t help falling,” singing in the reign. Love’s prevailing hue, the textured sound of freedom. “A heart can speak, with tongues of men, and that of angels, but, without love; just a resounding gong, like a clanging cymbal.” True love sounds like, a quiet hush in the midnight hour, an embrace in the darkest moment. Voice over voice, the deafening sound of silence, could never drown out, the enduring sound of love. The endless melody amplifying, the breadth of Heaven!


A New Day!

In the wake, it’s a new day, just knowing I woke up, that’s enough. A splash of sunshine on my face, let’s brushes with anxiety, not even be a thing. A look in the mirror, reflects my humanity. A gargle, with love’s tastefulness essence, washes away fear, refreshes my perspective. How I know, my heart has means to give it, the best love inside of me. Every day, I step out by faith, speak only when, actions give my heart words. When, hearts are feeling blue, and the love not so rosy; don’t take it personal. How my portion becomes, my soul endowed, with blessings on top of blessings. Unconditional love, it’s in my DNA. Why settle, love taken to another level, elevated kindness. And, if not reciprocated, turn the page. Tomorrow, it’s a new day; splash sunshine on your face!