Random Act of Kindness!

I would like to thank Richa @ http://iscriblr.com/, and Stuart @ http://stubaby777.wordpress.com; for nominating me for the Random Act of Kindness award. They are two of the most kind hearted souls, that I have met here on WordPress. They share what’s on their heart, with one intention, to bless your heart. For me friends, I view this ACT in two ways; RANDOM, INTENTIONAL.

• When you hear that someone is going through something, and you are a person of faith; you don’t just say you will pray for them at some point in the future. I believe that you should pray for them on the spot; verbally, or in writing!

• When you see someone is in need a a financial blessing, don’t just tell them; “the check is in the mail,” check your pocket. They do need to have faith, but you also need to be part of the faith blessing!

• Someone says they need a ride; they’re going to be late, or have to wait for the bus for hours. It might be out of the way; show them compassion, not the time. Go out of your way, take the time; to show that you have a light that shines!

With all these points; it’s a time to act, not just react. Random is wonderful, but Intentional is even better. People might see the things I do as random, but that’s just it my friends; I don’t do random, I do intentional. Every day I choose to act, to never miss an opportunity to react; to a heart in need. Open up your heart, and at the same time open up a door; put someone else’s need first!

I will share a story with all of you. I drive for a living, back in March of 2015; I had the opportunity to work in the busy city. One day as I was heading out of the city, I met this homeless guy; now I see homeless people all day, it’s the big city. Most homeless people have a brown cardboard sign saying something. Every day I put $2-$4 in my pocket, to give away. But this sign was different, creative. It was white Styrofoam board; it said McHungry, with a few other words. Not all homeless is homeless, unfortunately some people use it as a way to make money; while living a regular life!

I handed him a apple, with a $5 bill; and did so every Wednesday for a few weeks. But then I stated to get creative, along with the $5, I would buy a subway sandwich, a hot chocolate in the winter; whatever I felt led to do. Within months I knew his name, his birthday. It blew him away, when I gave him a gift on his birthday, a year later. He didn’t even remember that he told me it the year before. He just kept asking, how did you know it was my birthday over and over; a priceless moment. At Christmas he gets a gift, on long weekends he gets a $10. Over the years I’ve given him copies of my writing, he loves them. This year his mother died. He said that my writing, my acts of kindness; is what helped get him through it, how do you put a price on that. It’s been three years now, we meet for no more than 30 seconds a day. But every single Wednesday, my heart receives a blessing; when I see the smile on his face!

With this post, I would like to take this opportunity; to Introduce new bloggers. Below is a list of bloggers, who are new to WordPress. They’ve been blogging for a short time, most within the last couple of months. I don’t know all these bloggers that well, still getting to know their hearts. But it’s truly not about knowing, but promoting. I’m following them all, so won’t you please join me in showing them some love; Read, Like, Follow!

• C. Capablanca @ https://thelightinme.home.blog

• Yonnie @ https://yonnieinhiscare.blog

• Laura Rogers @ https://thebeautifulbutterflies.wordpress.com

• Optimistic Soul @ https://optimisticsoulin.com

• Simplymadhavi @ https://madhavi589917978.wordpress.com

• FavourSweet; @ https://beinspired2inspire.wordpress.com

Consider this, your Intentional Act of Kindness! Blessings To You All!



I would like to thank Stuart L. Tutt @ stubaby777.wordpress.com for nominating me for my first Liebster Award. Stuart nominated me a couple of months ago, it very difficult for me to participate. For those who have nominated me for an award, I will try to post when it is possible! Now about Stuart, he has a wonderful heart, and blog; with content that’s real, and down to earth. Don’t hesitate to visit, and follow!

The Liebster Award is an opportunity for bloggers to recognize and support other bloggers for their achievements. It’s geared towards blogs with smaller viewership. The Liebster Award is available from January 1 – December 31, 2018; All nominations are voluntary!

Here are the answers to Stuart’s questions;

Q1) Besides the Bible what is your favorite book you have ever read?

A) Don’t read anything right now other than the bible. Not because I don’t want to, my schedule just doesn’t allow. I have about a dozen books on my tablet, and I’m hopping to get to them in the near future! One book that absolutely loved as a child; Call of the wild, by Jack London!

Q2) What, in your opinion, is your greatest achievement in life?

A) I have two things, they are not achievements; but my greatest joy. Knowing that God thought that I was worthy enough to be called His own, and knowing that He had a wife; a life partner He chose to spend my days on earth with. It’s been thirty three getting to know His love, thirty two years getting the opportunity to love her heart; the blessings my heart has known!

Q3) What is your reason for blogging?

A) To share my love stories. To encourage, perhaps change a few minds, influence hearts; with a word, placed within my heart!

Q4) What is the best advice you have for newer bloggers?

A) My advice is always the same; take hold of today, tomorrow was never truly promised! Take hold of your heart, don’t ever worry about the battles you face. True strength can forever be yours, when you realize that true strength comes from the courage within. To face the battles of life, with your God given strength; the heart of a worrier!

Q5) If you could change anything in the world, what would it be?

A) I would change how we (humans) treat each other, we’ve all been created equal. Let’s live with one goal, to be the humanity; we were created to be!

Q6) Do you color with crayons or markers?

A) Crayons as a child, a marker is what I would hand out to everyone; so we can all leave a lasting mark on the world!

Q7) Besides Jesus, who is your favorite biblical figure?

A) That would have to be David, a man after God’s own heart; that my desire. His life wasn’t perfect, but he truly loved God; with his whole heart!

Q8) Who or what makes you yearn to be a better person than you were yesterday?

A) I’ve been yearning for as long as I can remember. I’ve learned much, but still learning that there’s still so much more. I strive to be better, but better is still not good enough; when you’re still yearning, to be so much more!

Q9) When you go out on the town, what is your attire?

A) It’s been years since I’ve gone out of town, but it would be; semi casual as the least!

Q10) If you have children, where is your favorite place to take them?

A) My kids are all in their twenties, but when they were younger; we used to go to Florida every summer!

  • Great questions, I have a question for you Stuart?

Would you want to be so wrapped up within God’s love, that it would forever take your breath away?


So free, that your heart felt like it was free falling; into the depth of God’s love. Not being able to catch your breath, but knowing; His love, is the only thing that can make you breathe?

  • Just something to Stu over my brother!

Thank you Stuart for the nomination, I hope the answers are a blessing to you, or any of the other readers! I apologize for not not nominating anyone, feel free to participate if you wish; the questions are the same as above!

God Bless!


2nd Blogger Recognition Award!

I would like to thank Priscilla Shamin @ Writer’s Choice for nominating me for the Blogger Recognition Awards. She is a writer and artist, with a wonderful heart. Her blog is worth reading, and following; don’t hesitate to visit her site priscillashamin12.wordpress.com !

The rules are:

  1. Write a post to show your award.
  2. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  4. Give two piece of advice for new bloggers.
  5. Select other bloggers you want to give this award to.
  6. Nominate 2-3 bloggers who you believe deserve to be recognized.
  7. Comment on their blogs, to let the nominees know they have been nominated.

  • My Answers:

    Why blogging? Well, it all started back in 1976 when I took my first flight on an airplane, and I knew then I would share my story on the internet. Wait 🤔, wrong story; the internet wasn’t around then, just another episode involving my crazy imagination!

    Seriously folks, I started blogging because my heart had a story to tell; God has hearts for me to reach. I’ve been writing for about eight plus years, during that time my family and friends have been asking me to share my writing. I didn’t feel that it was the right time, I feel led that 2018 is the year chosen. Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not blogging for notoriety. This story is about God’s love, and compassion. The influence is about how His love has made a difference within my heart, and how that love can impact the hearts of the reader; with a story that will speak into the hearts of others. Not with my words, but with A word, that will point hearts in the direction, of the changer of hearts!

    My advice, take hold of today, tomorrow was never truly promised! Take hold of your heart, don’t ever worry about the battles you face. True strength can forever be yours, when you realize that true strength comes from the courage. To face the battles of life, with your God given strength; found within! This is my advice to you, and to yours! God Bless!

    My Nominees:

    Margaret from soulfood 101 blog

    • Margaret is wonderful Lady that truly loves God. I am honoured to recognize her for this award!

  • Eclipse Words

    • Aishwarya, has great material. Her post are well researched, full of content, and will challenge you to think about what you have read. I am honoured to recognize her for this award!

  • Please note: participation for the nominees is truly optional, the recognition was for your heart; feel free to decline if you wish to do so!

    God Bless!



    First, I would like to thank all those who have nominated me for an award, I truly do appreciate all the love, support and recognition. Over the past month I’ve been nominated for a few awards, some I have declined. My schedule is crazy busy, and it’s been very difficult to find the time to participate in these awards. That said, if time permits; from time to time will accept, and post when possible. For all those who have nominated me, I will be posting throughout this month. Thank you for all the love!

    Ok, I would like to thank Neal Hansen @ Love Through Blog for nominating me for the Sunshine Blogger Awards. Neal’s blog has lots of interesting topics, a blog worth reading and following; don’t hesitate to visit his site!


    1. What is your favourite season, and why?

    I love all the seasons, why; because every season in life that we get to live and breathe, is another day that’s a gift from God!

    2. What is your favourite musical artist?

    The not too long ago departed, Whitney Houston!

    3. What is your ultimate career goal?

    No ultimate career goals. For the past thirty years, I believe that God has been preparing my heart to be an influence; this rapidly changing world!

    4. Where is your favourite place to visit?

    I would love to visit Israel.

    5. If you could have any type of pet, what would it be, and why?

    My kids had pets growing up; fish, birds, cats. My schedule is way too busy to have a pet!

    6. Who’s Museum or amusement park?

    Amusement park!

    7. “The ends never justify the means.” Do you agree with this statement?


    8. What would be your advice to someone who has had their heart broken?

    My advice is that, God is a friend to the brokenhearted; seek His heart, find comfort within His love!

    9. What do you like most about writing in your blog?

    Sharing what’s within my heart; God’s Love!

    10. What do you like about my blog (and how could it improve?)

    You blog has wonderful content. To improve and have more engagement, I will give the advice my wife gave me; less is more… impactful (she as right)!

    11. What does the Sunshine Blogger Award mean to you?

    To me this award is about giving a bit of insight into the heart of the nominee, and to spread a bit of… sunshine 🌞; to hearts that may be in a dark place!

    🌻The Questions posed to the nominees are:

      What inspires you to want to write?
      Do you rather read blogs, or write blogs?
      What is the most exciting thing that you have ever done?
      Which was the happiest moment you cherish?
      What would you like to do in your free time?
      Which is the best place you have visited, or would like to visit?
      What is your favourite month, or time of year?
      Offer a word of encouragement to your readers?

    🌻Award Rules:

    1. Display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in a post on your blog.

    2. Thank the blogger who nominated you, put a link back to their blog.

    3. Answer the Questions asked.

    4. Nominate some bloggers who you feel deserve this award.

    5. Let the nominees know that you’ve nominated them, and provide them with questions to answer.

    🌼 Nominees:

    1. SimplyWendi @ Simply Chronically III
    2. Sakshi @ I Refuse to Give Up
    3. The Moonlight Reverie

    All of these nominees have wonderful hearts, it’s my honour to nominate them!

    Please note: participation for the nominees is truly optional, feel free to decline if you wish to do so!

    God Bless!


    Blogger Recognition Award!

    I would like to thank emmelykat for nominating my blog iWrite… my love story for the Blogger Recognition Awards. She has a wonderful heart, with a story to tell. Her blog is worth reading, and following; don’t hesitate to visit her site!

    The rules are:

    1. Write a post to show your award.
    2. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
    3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
    4. Give two piece of advice for new bloggers.
    5. Select other bloggers you want to give this award to.
    6. Nominate 2-3 bloggers who you believe deserve to be recognized. Comment on their blogs, to let the nominees know they have been nominated.

    My Answers:

    Well, to tell you the truth, I’m not really a big fan of social media. So why blogging you ask; 🤔 great question. Well it all started in 1968, wait; scratch that, wrong story. 😊

    Seriously folks, I started blogging because my heart had a story to tell. I’ve been writing for about eight plus years now. For the past few years my family and friends have been asking me to put what I’ve been writing out in different forms. I didn’t feel that it was the right time, I feel lead that the time is now. Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not blogging because of that. I’m here to influence hearts and minds. To speak into the lives of others. Not with my words, but with a word; that just might point you in the right direction. ⬆️

    Take hold of today, tomorrow is never promised! Take hold of your heart, and you will never truly have to worry about the battles within the mind! This is my advice; to you, and to yours! God Bless!

    My Nominees:

    The Fourth Dimension of Life

    For a young man Stefan has great insight into the heart of God, I am honoured to nominate him for this award!

    Eclipse Words

    Aishwarya, has great material. Her post are well researched, full of content, and will challenge you to think about what you have read. I am honoured to nominate her for this award!

    Thank You!



    I would like to thank Tracy Muso for nominating my blog; iWrite… my love story for the Sunshine Blogger Awards. She has a wonderful heart, her blog is very much worth reading, and following; don’t hesitate to visit her site!


    1. What inspired you to create your blog?

    • I felt a call to share the love within, and redefine what others view as love!

    2. What is your favourite movie genre?

    • Action

    3. If you were to go to anywhere in the world, where would it be?

    • Israel

    4. What are your favourite things to do?

    • Sharing my hearts, and spending the with my wife!

    5. If you had to choose a power between; invisibility, mind reading, or time travel. What would you choose?

    • Time travel, I would have loved to see what it was like when Jesus walked the earth!

    6. Who’s your mentor?

    • Jesus!

    7. What is your favourite book of all time?

    • THE BIBLE!!

    8. A few things you are grateful for right now?

    • Grace, My wife, my kids, my health; in that order!

    9. What do you love most about, in the place were you grew up in?

    • The friends, I didn’t have much, but they were true friends.

    10. What is your favourite movie, and why?

    • The Ten Commandments, I’ve watched it at least 6 times; it gives you a glimpse into God’s faithfulness!

    11. Please offer a word of encouragement to your readers?

    • My encouragement is this; be faithful, and true. Be true to yourself, if you’re not true to who you are; then you will never be true to anything, or anyone else. But most of all be faithful to your own heart. It’s so easy to lose focus; only to find that you’re no longer doing what you love, but doing what you feel obligated to do. Life is a journey, the journey is yours to discover; not for anyone else to chart!

    🌻The Questions posed to the nominees are:

    1. What inspires you want to write?
    2. Do you rather read blogs, or write blogs?
    3. What is the most exciting thing that you have ever done?
    4. Which was the happiest moment you cherish?
    5. What would you like to do in your free time?
    6. Which is the best place you have visited, or would like to visit?
    7. What is your favourite month, or time of year?

    🌻Award Rules:

    1. Display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in a post on your blog.

    2. Thank the blogger who nominated you, put a link back to their blog.

    3. Answer the Questions asked.

    4. Nominate bloggers who you feel deserve this award.

    5. Let the nominees know that you’ve nominated them, and provide them with questions to answer.

    🌼 Nominees:

    I would open up the nominations for anyone who would like to participate. Feel free to consider yourself nominated.

    The Versatile Blogger Award!

    I would like to thank Antsafanou @ mypuzzleheart for nominating me for my first versatile Blogger Award; Antsafanou I appreciate you for thinking of me. She has wonderful blog with interesting content, a blog worth following.

    The Versatile Blogger Award was created to feature and recognize blogs that have unique content, high quality of writing, and fantastic photos.

    The Rules are:

    1. Thank the person who nominated you with a link to their blog.
    2. Include the banner in your post.
    3. Tag it under #versatilebloggeraward
    4. Tell 7 things about yourself. What are some fun facts about yourself?
    5. Keep up with the chain and nominate bloggers for this award.

    Seven things about me:

    • First and foremost I am a Christian, 30 plus years.

    • I am married to the love of my life, this month is our 30th.

    • Love every minute I get to spend with her.

    • We have three kids, all millennials.

    • I love music, I have 3500 songs on my playlist.

    • Used to play soccer.

    • Enjoy writing which I started 8 plus years ago.

    My Nominees are:

    Tracy Muso

    Shantanu Baruah


    • Anyone who’s unable to participate, please don’t feel obligated.

    • All of these nominees have a lot within their hearts to spark your thought process; don’t hesitate to visit their blogs!

    Mystery Blogger Award!

    I would like to thank Fritzie @ lifetravelsoul for nominating me for my first Mystery Blogger Award; Fritzie I appreciate you for thinking of me. She has wonderful content, a blog worth following.

    Mystery Blogger Award by Okota Enigma, www.okotoenigmasblog.com/my-greatest-creation-yet/ It was intended to award amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Blogs that captivates, inspire, motivate, with love and passion; deserves to be recognized.

    The rules are:

    • Put the award logo/image on your blog

    • List the rules.

    • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.

    • Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well

    • Tell your readers 3 things about yourself

    • You have to nominate 8-12 people

    • Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog

    • Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)

    • Share a link to your best post(s)

    Three things about me:

    • First and foremost I am a Christian.

    • I am married to the love of my life, this month is our 30th.

    • We have three kids, all millennials.

    The Questions asked:

    1. What are your dream vacation destinations?

    • Hawaii, Israel

    2. What is your all-time favorite quote?

    • Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. – Jesus!

    3. What helps you relieve stress?

    • Prayer, and music

    4. If a magical genie will grant you one wish – what would that be?

    • A million dollars to help the less fortunate.

    5. If you’re given a chance to portray a character in a movie, who would that be? What’s the title of the film?

    • Not sure, I’ve never really thought about it.

    My Nominees are:

    Wnnie, Musing

    The Floating Thoughts





    Eccentric Muse

    This Beautiful Life

    • Anyone who’s unable to participate, please don’t feel obligated.

    • All of these nominees have a lot within their hearts to spark your thought process; don’t hesitate to visit their blogs!

    The Questions posed to the nominees are:

    1. What inspires you to blog?

    2. What’s one of the happiest moment you cherish?

    3. What do you like to do in your free time?

    4. What’s one of the most exciting things that you’ve ever done?

    5. What’s one your favourite post you’ve read any blog, and why?

    This maybe not be the best, but it’s the one I would like those who follow to read! The post is; Hello


    I would like thank to Pink Peeli for nominating my blog; iWrite… my love story for the Sunshine Blogger Award. This was really unexpected, but appreciated nevertheless!


    1. What is the feeling you get when you blog?

    • Love and joy; the joy that my words can impact a heart, and that the reader can experience my love story.

    2. What makes you want to write?

    • I want to write to let others read about my experience with love; words do matter, when it comes to matters of the heart.

    3. Do you love to read or write more?

    • Both, ten years ago I would have said neither, but it’s not all about me. I love to write, but I have to read; to hear the words within other hearts.

    4. What is the most crazy thing you have done?

    • Sharing my heart; my precious, but now that I freely give.

    5. Which was the one happiest moment you cherish?

    • My wedding day (1988)

    6. What would you like to do in your free time?

    • I don’t get a lot, but it’s spending time with my heart; my wife.

    7. Which is the best place you have visited till now?

    • Hawaii 1998; our 10 year wedding anniversary.

    8. Which is your favorite fictional character?

    • Star Trek (Spock – live long, and prosper)

    9. What would you prefer; A walk in the woods, or time spend on social media?

    • A walk, even though I’m blogging now; six months ago, you could count on one hand the amount of time I visited a social media site. I’m here for the people, who need to hear a word of encouragement.

    10. If you open my blog and read, which one post you will like?

    • ❤️Within❤️

    11. Have you ever faced any mystery in life? What is it?

    • No mystery.

    🥁 My Nominees are:

    • Tracy Muso
    • Antsafanou
    • Aishwarya Shah
    • The Godly Chic Diaries
    • Winnie, Musing
    • Shantanu Baruah
    • Puzzles of the Soul
    • Johncoyote
    • advicesbyher
    • The Floating Thoughts

    🤔 The Questions posed to the nominees are:

    1. What is the feeling you get when you blog?

    2. What makes you want to write?

    3. Do you rather read blogs, or write blogs?

    4. What is the most exciting thing that you have done?

    5. Which was the happiest moment you cherish?

    6. What would you like to do in your free time?

    7. Which is the best place you have visited?

    8. Which is your favorite fictional character?

    9. What would you prefer; blogging, or time spent with a love one.

    10. Which post is your favourite and why?

    🥇Award Rules:

    1. Display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in a post on your blog.

    2. Thank the blogger who nominated you, put a link back to their blog.

    3. Answer the 10 Questions about.

    4. Nominate 5 to 10 bloggers who you feel deserve this award.

    5. Let the nominees know that you’ve nominated them, and provide them with questions to answer.

    It’s my honour to nominate these bloggers for this award, I truly hope that my invite will be a blessing to your hearts.
