Prince of Peace!

Manger, designed and built by hand, by Corine Richards (Wifey)

Peace, love’s light shining its eternal glow. Christmas would be lonely, if the greatest gift wasn’t, love and peace. Tangible love, the heart can display, peace the soul can take hold. Christmas, could never be merry, without the sweet fragrance of love in the air. How, could a heart lift up its anthem, a soul be at ease, not at rest in love’s tranquil embrace. Knowing, not the same as being. Tranquility, could never become a state, without there being moments, for peace to eclipse time and space. Heartfelt moments, resonates its endearing sound. When nothing else is felt, but the breadth escaping from within. Love, what keeps the peace, when eyes are blinded, by what the heart perceives. In silent hope, in silence’s awe, in breathless anticipation; souls with wonder greet, the prince of peace. In earth’s shadow, in hope’s marvel, the light of peace, outshines night’s reign. In humble form, the breadth of peace’s heavenly silhouette, hovering in the quietness, our wants and needs. Peacefulness becomes, not because the heart is silent, but because, the soul is no longer restless. Within love’s eager haste, in the hush of stilled moments, hopes and dreams slipping into, love’s endless serenity. Even, when moments can’t find its solitude, isolating your heart from love, doesn’t allow a longing soul, the peace love gives. In restless souls, in anxious hearts, love births the most joyous moments. Love is, the Prince that comes in the most beautiful moment. Wrapped in soft clothes of peace, swaddled in its gentleness; giving what’s desperately needed, hope!


Gifted Poetry!

Tis the season, when the mind concedes, to let the heart receive, the soul believe; that love lives, in moments. Love’s poetic moments, conceived deep within the soul, love writing beautiful heartfelt poems. Every verse textured, the muse enlightened, the nuance conveyed, through an open heart. Love, invest in beneficial moments, love packaged in its most endearing ways. Wrapped nicely, within colorful hues, tethered with the fabric of love’s strength; gifted, a representation of the heart and soul. Love in season, doesn’t just give the reason, but divulges the meaning. Love, displayed as a charm bracelet, never enhances its intrinsic beauty. A heart full of compassion, no greater gift could there ever be. Than the soul reciting passionately, the heart regifting wholeheartedly; Love!

Would like to wish everyone, a Merry Christmas. May your souls be well, the light in your hearts be bright. If you wish to, save a copy of the picture, wherein are names of WordPress blog sites, perhaps yours!


Your Love, Feels Like Home!

Resting, here in your love, my heart knows, this is where I belong; it feels like home. The peace I know, the comfort I have, the love that covers my soul. In this moment, my heart never wants to miss, the whispers of your love. In your presence, my soul is exposed, into me you see. My love divulges, what my heart can’t hide. It doesn’t matter, how cold the world gets, within my heart and soul; the love is crackling, the fire burning, the flame still blazing. The warmth of your love, the passion that warms my heart, overwhelms my soul. Deep in love, my heart up against your love. My soul can’t escape the feeling, this feels at home. I’m not worried, how dark the nights, within the light of heaven. Love illuminates my worth, enlightens the path, the way to your heart. Like a welcoming smile, your love lights up my heart. Your love, puts my heart at ease, makes every heartstring, strum the sweetest lullaby, my soul hums a love song. Feeling, the breadth of your love on my soul. My heart, slips deeper into your love’s embrace. Whenever, my soul needs a place to rest, your love is there, with heart open wide. You see my flaws, but still take me by the heart, invite me into your love. Heart to heart, accepted as I am, feels like home. My heart doesn’t need to play games, looking deep into your love, tells me I don’t have to pretend, to always be in control. I don’t need a cup of hot delight, to sweeten my every emotion. You loving me, just knowing you’re near. Makes every moment within your love, feel like home!


Complementary Love!

It gets me every time, my heart not being able to resist, the urge to give of myself, share interrelated love. I keep lots, within the depth of my soul. Prepared for the inevitable moment, someone comes to ask of me. Hello, friend, can you spare my heart a little love? I don’t need much, just enough to feed my soul. Indeed, my heart waits earnestly, for the opportunity to give some away; complementary love. No one has to ask twice, or beg on bended knees. My humanity says, you had me at hello. With every little change, with every encounter, the change in me is profound. The little love I give, with every seed I sow; it’s an investment, mutually compounded. Your heart, will intuitively compliment my love, enhance the quality therein. In every season, love the reason, harmonious nature is strengthened. Breathing in the same care, the ambiance releasing its significance, love’s reign. Reciprocal love, won’t cast doubts, will never castigate another heart, with unsupportive meaning. Love, draped within the colors of its true essence, compliments heart, and soul. Complimentary love, doesn’t need to be wrapped up in a pretty bow, just gifted intentionally. It’s not embraced with words, when actions presented itself. In its benevolence, it’s the endearing gift, never meant to be kept, but regifted over and over. Love, the gift of its meaning, shimmers endless, within the breadth of its divine brilliance!


Wednesday Proverb; Heart to Heart!

If, love doesn’t speak deeply, there’s no heart to heart connection. If, love doesn’t first change you profoundly, how could it impact someone else’s heart, and soul? Earnestly the soul feels, intuitively the heart knows. Love withheld, deprives the soul of the oxygen needed, to let the love breathe. Heart to heart moments, how love converses with the soul richly. Through the eyes of love, the heart comprehends what words could never convey. Sitting at the foot of love, the soul leans in to be, captivated by love’s poetic muse. Within every gaze, the heart glimpses the breadth love exudes. With every heart to heart encounter, your soul would never question the heart; were you illuminated? If love wasn’t relevant, intimacy would never be evident. The soul enlightened, love bares witness, revealing the heart’s posture. If love isn’t moving, it could never sway. If the presence doesn’t linger, the fragrance was never its proverbial aroma. For love to have an effect, the heart has to be receptive, to allow the soul to be reflective. If love doesn’t feel comforting, its warmth could never be felt. Heart to heart, how in its truest form, love makes known, the depth of its divine nature!


Fully Charged!

Is your love just a plug, in which there’s a noticeable aroma, or does it have a tasteful fragrance, lingering ever so sweetly? Does your love have enough charge, does it exhibit itself fully charged? Is your mind in charge, or does your heart, take full charge of thoughts, and actions? Does your love ever seem abrasive, or to its core kindheartedly demonstrative. Do your words bear its charge, or indiscriminately loses its effect? Sometimes, emotions give our love a false charge, why; periodically we need to do a heart check, to see if the affection is true. Without its meaningful charge, purposeful love would never resonate, in accordance with its reality. Love, withholding its benevolent means, could never be the source of, its sincere intentions. Love fully charged, a heart and soul, knowing the source of its strength!


Now, Always, Forever!

In every love story, every heart has a role. From the moment, always has been, forever residing quietly, in a refreshing love. Tell me, am I holding you, or you holding my breath, and held it in your love? Goo goo gaga, what are words, when actions make the love speak so clearly. I’m going to name you, Grace; different from, Compassion; but won’t immune you from heartache. Your love eclipses my issues, ease anxious thoughts, fill me with such delight, The morning sun, with all of its glory, could never brighten my mood, the way your smile, lights up my world. Your love doesn’t just look at me, it peers into my soul, with trust, with love divine. The essence of your worth, defines how monumental your love becomes. Whether crawling, walking, running; I will always be there, to catch you with my love. You will never be alone, my love, lives within the midst of you being, within the deepest part of my soul. When I look into your love, I see only your heart. I will never get weary, battling those who can’t see into, your quintessence. Whenever your heart is in distress, when your love cries for my affection, my heart will beat against the barriers. The ocean, doesn’t have to touch the sand, for your heart to know, my love is Sure. During life’s business, forgetting you is just a waste of time. Even a foolish heart can see, your kind of love, the most precious there can be. There’s an essence, “je ne sais quoi,” in everything I feel. Your heart, doesn’t have to wear a mask of false bravado. My love will teach you, deep within your soul, courage wields its greatest power. Living, in the here and now, forever finds its true purpose. Within my love, you don’t have to smile, to hide your tears. I see you, I keep a portrait of love, hanging on my heartstrings. And when, I lay your love down, I kiss the moment. Knowing in the breathless silence, now and always, forever; your love is resting, in the depth of my soul. Maybe I’m amazed, indeed how deeply pleased, the way you’ve changed my heart, the way we need each other. Now, Always, Forever!


Wednesday Proverb; Spilled Love!

My heart is full, my soul can’t keep it contained, my cup overflows. When I open up my heart, whenever I tip my hat, love spills from the depth of my soul. When, my forever said I do, love spilled from within deep affection. When my heart, grieved the loss of a child, love made the tears spill, watering the ground where her love lays. As a child, my grandma instilled endearing love in my consciousness; if ever someone rejects your love, don’t let my heart, cry over spilled milk. Que sera, sera; whatever will be, will be. Don’t catch yourself, grasping after careless whispers. Real love speaks boldly, with colorful expressions. Whenever my words spill, the welled up love within, escapes my deepest place. Splashes of love’s hue, the ink tells the story, where the love comes from? Meaningless, love should never fall hollow, words should never be empty. My soul, has been within love’s ocean, and it makes my heart full. Spilling the content of your love, how the texture is made known. Whenever love leans in, with every tilt of your soul, love’s essence leaks from within. Overflow, for the love to pour endlessly, heart and soul has to be willing, to let it intentionally spill. A heart, should never cry over spilled love. That’s how, our humanity is beautified. Poetically, lyrically, rhythmically, deeply, breathlessly; love seeping through crevices of your soul!


Per Se!

Love, why do you hover, why with a blanket you cover? Is it because of the warmth per se, a heart feels how comforting love can be? Is it never, that you will ever waver, living out your uncompromisable proof, within your undeniable truth. Through you, deep love never forsakes, but over and over takes your breath, per se? Inherently, you’re why so many hearts reminisce. Intrinsically, in your existence, no one could ever taint your presence, no words could ever eclipse your essence. Beautiful portraits, painted to become your authentic reflection. You are love personified, regardless of what anyone tries to make you become. Real love, can never be twisted, will never conform, could never become anything else. Than what it is at its core, the truest expression. How could a heart ever be still per se, when you’re literally the reason it races? It’s in your very nature, to equip the heart to do, what the mind thinks is unattainable. By yourself, you influence hearts and change minds. In of itself, no other entity changes the world. Love lives and breathe, sways time and space, per se. Breadth, and depth have no say; love essentially makes them, profound. Love is never mistaken, won’t allow itself to be misquoted, even if misappropriated; by its own definition, love is!