The Portrait!

Love, in living colors, paints a vivid picture, on canvas of the heart. It’s been said, it takes twenty one days, to form a habit. So, why was the portrait of love, revealed to my soul, instantly? Right from the jump, with every gaze, a beautiful masterpiece. But, to truly see love clearly, the perspective had to be untainted. Enlightenment, my heart leaning in. My soul, had to see it up close, how love becomes intimate, and personal. Love, an absolute treasure, not for a museum, but on display. Tell it to my heart, why would anyone, keep the most profound love, hidden? Love, paints the most stunning picture, by design. The Mona Lisa’s beauty, could never eclipse the breadth. Michael Angelo, may capture the essence, but it’s the heart, telling the story. Love, can paint a different picture, with every breath. The expression, painted in depth. The experience, a heartfelt stroke at a time. What is felt, expressed on the canvas, of the heart. Deep love, paints lyrically, with ups and downs. The question never to be asked; “what’s love, got to do with it?” Love, will never be touching, if a painted smile. A true picture of love, leaves the heart exposed, in a natural light. The imagination captured, the breath taken, with every portrayal. Frame by frame, the quintessence unveiled, the quiet beauty telling. Love, doesn’t have to be a flawless picture, to tell an amazing story. Love is a sacrifice, a heart painted, passionately. Search your heart, let your love illuminate, and hold up the light. Love is, a Portrait of grace!



A problematic encounter, a heart at a crossroad, but not the final destination. Destiny, reached by the chosen path. When, breath becomes taxing, making it difficult, to get life off your chest. Love, never questions worth, it searches the heart. Circumstances, chooses winding roads. A Problematic, point in time, shouldn’t lead to the arrest, of every heartbeat. A heart with no beat, a soul with no feeling. It doesn’t matter, what’s seen on the outside, just who you are… on the inside. Problematic, sometimes a road called broken, a place known as lost, and empty. The journey, called life, how you find yourself, hopes, and dreams. A life, with no song to sing, a soul without a voice. A problematic heart, deafened by the silence. On the road, known as life. Colliding points of view, should never be unbecoming. What’s, a bleeding heart to do, keep walking, walking in freedom. When, you’ve come to the end… of yourself. That’s when, love takes you in, and holds you… forever. Letting go, of the heartaches, and the weight of life. How, love sets you free, indeed. So, whenever your heart, gets caught up in the moment. Your soul, knows love is enough, to heal a brokenness. Love’s redemption, what makes all things new. Love will engage, a problematic heart. After pain, lies the blessing; the song of triumph. A heart, believing things will get better. Problematic, excellence becomes, enlightenment begins!


Come Visit Me!

When I’m at a loss, in need of my closest friend, come visit me. When I am broken-hearted, consumed by disparate, come visit me. When the tide is rising, my soul drifting, come visit me. When the darkness looms, when the sun doesn’t shine. Let my heart, see you in the stars, in the moonlight. In the twilight, let my soul hold you, forever. Your radiance, outshines the madness. When the day is counterintuitive, you’re the hands of time. Poetry in motion, that’s how you still my heart. Within you, my worth never in question. Come visit, the path will be clear, my heart will be open. You hold the key, to my happiness. Don’t knock, be utterly reckless, break down my walls. Capture my imagination, free my soul. When I am desperate, to be held, in your embrace. Let my heart race, my soul will find, my enlightenment. That in You, my truest passion, held within the deepest breadth. Love, in every tear, in every valley, in every struggle, real talk. With every visit, you make me whole. Love, meet me here again, in my heart. When I am in need, come visit me, and I will let you have, my every breath. You won’t regret, that you had me, at hello!


Out of the Dark!

In a dark place, to find a way out? First, search your heart, and believe. You will surely see, there’s a light, shining within… in the midst of it all. Love is my eyes, when it becomes hard to see. It lifts me up, when patients are short. Renews my hope, my heart will reach, with love extended. When, the world tries to make, me lose my mind. In love’s embrace, I find my worth. Love is my heart, when I need to give, all I have. Why be afraid, to show my heart. When I know the place, where broken hearts go, to find healing. My resolve, knowing life is not easy, but dreams, worth pursuing. Tomorrow not promised, but love tells me, believe that it will be brighter. The rest, is unknown, but I’m not scared to breathe. If, I get to see the dawn, today I know, there’s breath in my lungs. Coming out of the dark, at times you can feel lost. But when, you let love take you by the heart. Love, will guide your soul, to a better place. When, the day wants to take you under, don’t grasps straws, to breathe. Let love, expand the breadth, within your soul. Real love drowns, in the depth, and enlightens, coming out of the dark. One step at a time, how you make it, through the darkest times. No matter, what your heart will have to face, love outshines. Nothing, can truly take your breath, but love. Every starry gaze, it’s love. A tasty treat, love the delight. A kind gesture, because of love. Seeing the light of hope, it’s love shining. Making it, to the light, what shows a heart, how love truly shines. When, you think you can’t get there? Love, what helps you make it, to the light. Even though, now and then, we become insecure. Let me reassure, if every day, you rise up? You will come out of the dark, with the light!



The coming together, that’s what love is. Though at times, love has different points of view. The condition of the heart, determines the matter to the approach. Love, meant to be limitless, not limited. Though every action, causes a reaction. A response in love, let’s the convergence, be not ill-advised. Distance, overcomes the miles, when the love, not hearts apart. Moving towards, precipitates the love moving forward. Two paths can’t converge, if the direction of the heart, is unclear. Love extended, reciprocates in kind. A meeting, hearts in a common place. The convergence, causing an undeniable conclusion. Love, becomes the point of reference, in every heartfelt encounter. In love, when the latitude converges, with an apparent attitude. The cause, becomes the effect, distance… between two hearts. Love, intersects every crossroad. The heart, just needs to be open, to the possibility. Love from different points, connecting, with a new perspective. That, we can unite in love, coincide with flaws. It’s never, much to do about nothing. Respecting, conflicting points of reference. Love will always be seen, as moving closer. Truly noticed, not through a singular vantage point. Love draws near, not to be judged, but be affirmed. Love doesn’t recede, it precedes. So the love, can be profoundly received. Island style, you link up. The Convergence, one love, one heart!


Holding Forever!

Love, is like the wind, but yet I can hold it, forever. The beauty therein, keep it close to my heart. With every breath, wholeheartedly, chase the butterflies. For, on the wings of love, the soul soars to forevermore. Love is the reason, words get lost. Though, my mind can’t find adequate words. What, my heart takes hold of, my soul will express. The depth, the breadth, the words in my heart, clings to the unfailing truth; love is forever. My soul holds it tight, but for my heart to shares it, it doesn’t take might, for love take flight. Real love, doesn’t leave a bitter taste, just a lasting impression. True love, plays like a beautiful song, lyrically spoken, always and forever. Love takes the breath, captures the imagination. Sometimes, holding back the years, easier than holding back the tears. Why, grasp at forever, when you should, tether your soul? My heart, doesn’t need much. Just held forever, in love’s embrace. Trying, to catch your breath, not so easy; when love is the wind. Lifting you, taking every breadth; heart and soul holding, forever!


The Passion!

Hope, the winding road, leads to glory. To get there, you walk… in freedom. The belief, what frees your soul. Faith, what endures the journey. Love, what expands the breadth. The beauty within, what captures the heart, and soul. Affection, what refutes the agony. When the heart yearns, the love destined, to be forever. Unseen, but ever present. The Passion, never counting the cost!

“He was despised, rejected by men, a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces, he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely, he borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, he was afflicted. He was pierced for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities; upon him, was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds, we are healed.” Isaiah 53:3-5 ESV


In Love’s Embrace!

In love’s embrace, the day, my soul was conceived. The moment, deep love perceived. In the instant, my heart received. Every breath held, by love’s embrace. My heart learning, my soul knowing; life is but a breath, then will never be. In love’s embrace, years, but a day. Seconds seeming hours, days like forever. My soul feels at ease, drowning in love’s embrace. The depth unfathomable, but searchable, love searches the heart. When words are lost, love knows where to find them. Who, can keep my heart from speaking? Love is my voice, strengthened by my resolve. My heart, will never stutter. Even though, my soul at times, speechless. My confidence, my worth, found in love’s embrace. No dread, will ever befall me. In the calm, my eyelids fade, but my love won’t slumber. Just rest, in love’s embrace. Though, calamity lays waiting, in the shadows. Vexation, tries to trip up the heart. Deep in my quiver, love’s arrow, pierces my soul, and brings me home. When, the things of this world, becomes utterly tasteless. My appetite will forever be, the taste of love’s sweet surrender. What teaches my heart, how to be deeply moved. Feeling the breadth, of love’s profound embrace. The heart, wields the greatest victory. When love, becomes the weapon of choice, when diplomacy fails. A soul raised up, to become wise in speech, courageous in hope, mighty with faith. Love, softens the heart, grants success in battles. Deep things are known, when deep love is felt. But, only when you stay; in love’s embrace!


C’est la vie!

When, things don’t go as planned, stress, won’t avoid the mess. Such is life, facing the moment, will bring clarity. Why, let your mind board a non-stop train, when you can train your heart? Disappointments, a part of life. Hope, a part of living. Such is love, living in the moment. In life, some people will get their kicks, trying to trample dreams. Let them, stomp… their feet, all they want. Childish behavior, never let it make your heart, lose focus of your hopes, and your dreams. Perhaps, they just need to see for themselves, how dreams, becomes reality? Some say, “that’s life.” When April showers, brings out the blues, don’t it get you down. Let your heart, dance in the rain. After the rain is gone, it’s blue skies, and pretty rainbows. A heart swayed, soulful grooving, in the crimson hue. Yeah, that’s love. A soul living breathless, within nature’s glow. The raindrops on roses, becomes a heart in bloom. Heartache and pain,“that’s life,” but it doesn’t matter, if that’s what people say!

My friends, a heart sings out loud, will surely laugh out loud, when the tears start to pour. Life is a journey, on a mountain called despair, hope sees a new horizon. So, when you fall down, get up, and chase your dreams. A double minded heart, will make every heartbeat unstable. Don’t, let your heart be a pauper, let your soul be a poet, with a muse. Every reality, is being shaped. Let your heart and soul, believe in a living hope. For, a life with hope, will be a heart with faith. That lets every breath, have confidence. Dreams are realized, through a profound sacrifice. How you unequivocally know; that’s love!


Her Design!

Last month, marked the one anniversary, of our daughter’s passing. In college, she took graphic design, but never got to fully pursue it. The above picture, was one of her first designs, and that’s her in the picture. For the last few years, I’ve been posting a inspirational Friday post, a picture with words. As of this month, I’m going to create a picture, or two, and add with it inspirational words. Since, she’s not able to pursue her heart. My heart, will be her graphical expression. I will use her love, to help create, share, and dedicate my designed portrayals. Live out her dreams, for her. I hope, you all enjoyed the first instalment!

WCR, Justinea A Richards (March 9, 1990 to March 2, 2021)