Cultivated Love!

Deep from within its tapestry, cultivated love thrives. Nurtured to be, never needing a proverbial season, to be its enriched reason. Deep love, not persuaded by culture’s passion, but swayed by heartfelt compassion, rooted deeply in the heart’s devotion, rejuvenating the soul’s breadth. Its benevolence invigorated, by love’s stated mission, know no bounds. In words spoken, more than sentiments, that doesn’t bend to, winded meaningless sway. But what lends to, what’s tended to, what flourishes when fertilized. The enlightenment of love’s wholesome eminence, preparing heart and soul, for every meaningful encounter. Love planting good seeds, the heart cultivating substantive growth. So the soul’s quintessence, can enjoy the beauty therein, the essence of love’s fullness!


Flowery Heart!

Love blooming naturally, reveals the sole purpose of its design. Become a beautiful display, its intrinsic nature. Sun flowered hue, pollinated by love’s ornate breadth. The purity of its quintessence, the essence of its meaning; its truth told, its stories to behold. Of scented lily in valleys, whistling willows in meadows, telling the secrets of love’s never ending journey. The whispering sounds of daisies, lullabies of flowered tulips, hummingbirds singing life’s chorus. Of love’s breathless allure, its gentle beauty never overstated. Evidence of its presence, the splendor of its existence. Love’s flowery tone, its blissful persona, that leaves you with its imagination. Moving you with its quiet contemplation, benevolence of love’s wonder. Its actions planted with tenderness, moments of growth, becoming acts of kindness. Love, blossoming effortlessly, showing of its true colors, the fragrance of its might. A soul in a place, where words don’t have to be spoken, for love to be heartfelt. A flowery heart, full of the love’s textured, gives of itself, its inherent fullness!


A Father’s Presence!

Immeasurable, the profound actions within a father’s love. Even if it stumbles, sometimes fall… short, let it become a love willing to rise, be perpendicular. Faithful love, doesn’t need to be head and shoulders, or monumental; just clear and present, give of itself unconditionally. Love’s undeniable presence, doesn’t need to be heroic, just, true, through and through. For when, a child’s heart has questions; will they be brave enough, grow to become as strong as you? It’s not about them asking every little how, when, but their heart knowing when, seeing how your love becomes the unwavering answer. Reassuring their attentive soul, your love will never forsake their sense of being, deeply loved. Not afraid, to come search your heart daily, to see every time, how deep the love goes? Letting a child know, whenever the world feels cold, their worth feeling defeated, trying to find its way. The sway, a father’s presence, with love to embrace their fears, strength to wipe away their tears. The depth of your love being, their Always, there Forever!

* Happy Father’s Day, to all the fathers out there. Be present, be a presence, be perpendicular. A child, doesn’t seek to know the measure of a man, they’re looking if you will be a father, of unconditional love!


Love’s Sphere of Influence!

In love’s benevolence, resides its sphere, influencing hearts and minds. The more the soul seeks, of its essence, the heart perceives. Love not veiled in a facade, reciprocates in kind. The extent of its influence, the extent of the heart’s willingness. The degree of its power, measured only by its sway. Influence doesn’t just help guide, but helps navigate changing tide. Love truly influential, first affects a change of heart, then impact a change of mind. Real love, doesn’t need a glaring persona, to be identifiably true. Love’s infinity, greater than the Milky Way, the breadth beyond what encompasses the sphere, what deeply impacts our day to day. Deep love, opens the heart up to realm of possibilities, what providence has destined, what influences the soul, and heart as a whole. Forever, the space between, heart and soul. Time doesn’t wait, but infinity does, in the context of love. For, love is infinite, endless with its exploration. Infinity and beyond, a story the mind toys with, though light-years away. In between, heaven and infinity; the soul soars, the spirit knows. Influential living, greater than how the heart feels, but the depth of life being. Love’s influence, the benevolent sphere of its existence!


The Wind chimes!

Hope and faith, set in motion reverberates in love, lived simple, life’s inherent symbol. When breeze blows, strikes a cord, wind becomes instrumental. As air moves about, unforeseen element, provoke statue qou, the wind chimes in, making its presence known. Air suspended, nudged by hands of time, echoes within the wind. The soothing sound of freedom, tales of how the wind chimes. Gusts of air, brushing up against what is, the wind, serenading with its lyrical expression. When spring blooms, when summer’s hue exhales the warmth of its days, wind chimes its muse. Air, conditioned to be, drifts directional with its charm, breathtaking but does no harm. Knowing, the breath of its gentle allure, knowing the subtle thrust within love’s forevermore. Oxygen, precipitates movement of the wind, the soul reciprocates air, love compelling the breadth, and therefore the heart… chimes!


Crème de la Crème!

Homemade feelings, what happens in part, what’s added, what stirs the heart. The flavor of love, has its own kind of recipe. Crème de la crème in the making, love in its totality, has a milky way, with its sway; universal in a fundamental way. Love, sweetened with its unadulterated essence, paramount in revealing its charm, do no harm. Its overall extract, enriched by what it gives, notable pleasure. This kind of love, stirred not shaken, chilled not frozen… in time. The right mixture, enhances the picture. Matured, becomes an enjoyable experience, served pleasurably. Soft and creamy, seemingly a little more dreamy. Butterscotch, love playing hopscotch, with the heart and soul. Cookies n’ cream, seems the delightful theme, thoughts in daydream. Vanilla flavored ice, whipped with a condensed amount of consistency, creamed love with a global appeal. Even, with pondered thoughts of rocky roads, doesn’t change the fact. Enjoyment comes, not from the times you favor, but the moments you savor. Tasteful love, intentional in its provision, textured in its intent, measured in its portion. Crème de la crème, love, meaningful in its presentation. Love, with any frost bitten perception, taints its refined appeal. The ingredient, of a particular kind, allure defining one’s taste. Deep down, heartfelt, tastefully satisfying, melting you with a sweet sense of its presence. “Summer loving, a heart having a blast. Summer loving, happens so fast, summer days drifting away.” Crème de la crème, parlayed moments, for one’s heart to shine!



Air, in its presence we live, with its breadth we exhale. The power of its might, the synergy of its existence. When, does the soul truly begin to breathe? Is it the moment, life gives of its breath, or the moment love’s oxygen, finds its way to your heart, leaving you breathless? Desperation to find, never a soul desperate to know; how love, becomes the air you breathe. Love within the air, though seemingly colorless to the senses, a captivating scent to the soul, stimulating the heart’s intellect. Fear free, a heart embracing the hues of love’s carefree allure. A soul blossoming, shedding petals of love, likened to that of a crimson rose. Love laid bare, a heart set free, to frolic like a feather within the wind. Chasing butterflies, on the wings of love’s majestic splendor. Free falling, the heart anticipating the moment, the soul will be raptured by the essence, within love’s divine beauty. Love’s oxygenating power, fuels the heart’s desires, enriches the soul’s resolve. A heart and soul, breathing in life’s fullness, knows the source of its empowerment. The oxygenated breadth, of love’s breathtaking provision!


A to Z!

Awesome, awe by any other definition, could never take from its meaning. Beautiful, how beautiful the heart, worn on one’s sleeve. Captivating, how alluring deep love becomes, captivating one’s heart and soul. Delightful, love’s truest appeal, how delightfully it clothes the soul. Essence, the essence within love’s innermost beauty, the breadth revealed within. Favor, love bestows its favor, regardless of one’s need. Graceful, poised with so much confidence. Graceful hearts don’t fear falling, for it’s a moment to rise, to beat the odds. Honor, how wonderful to honor, give of love’s inalienable benevolence. Invitation, love in of itself is an invitation. To taste, touch, smell, hear, and see, to wonders of love’s deepest meaning. Joy, how joyous to know, love’s gentle tug on the heartstrings. Won’t break the heart, but strums the soul with its pure joy. Kindness, random acts of kindness, are never actions erratic in its pursuit, but intentional with its accomplishments. Like-minded, expressions of love’s heartfelt similarity, indicative of like minded. That won’t bend to the minds perception, but swayed by love’s endearing perspective. Moments, in life moments become this, in love moments are bliss. But don’t allow yourself to miss, how these moments shape the heart. Nevertheless, though in life we stumble, or fall; nevertheless, rise, shine.

Openly, love gives openly of itself, offering the best of its divine excellence. Powerful, the resilience of one’s spirit, a powerful display of the heart’s wondrous nature. Quintessential, to let the beauty within our humanity, radiate the heart’s intrinsic light. Reciprocally, the heart’s journey to find common ground, love reciprocated on a two way street. Substantive, knowing life’s meaning, found within the substance of living with purpose. Transformative, transparent in heart, a soul transformed by love’s endearing appeal. Undistracted, devotion is not a concept, but the essence within love’s exceptionalism. Vulnerability, in of itself obscured in its meaning, when not empowered by love’s totality. Worth, never needs to prove its source, when you know its validation emanates from within. X-factor, should never play a role in determining love’s true measure. If it’s not from the heart, it’s therefore a meaningless expression. Your, love is an extension of your character, its truth unadulterated. Zenith, what will only begin to describe, love’s Amazing embodiment!