Gentle Soul!

Poetically, a gentle soul, awakens its heart. In its wake, dawn reveals its shimmer of light, love’s gentle smile. Letting its muse become, in service of. In quiet contemplation, in subtle gestures, the heart conveys, what words can’t say. Clouded whether, kept at bay, love’s reign becomes evident, from whence cometh its gentleness. You can be sure, love strengthens its resolve, be the cure for all. A gentle soul, pours out of its heart, letting the love gently spill. What vessel, could ever contain the unfathomable wealth of love’s generosity? Likened to a refreshing stream, love floods with no regrets. Leaves its gentle residue, like that of the morning dew, that settles within the slumbers of the twilight. The soul awakened, to find love resting gently on its heart. Just like the wind, the presence of a gentle soul sways, but its essence what stays. A heart full of lilies, chases butterflies. To see how colored hues, gives the soul its wings. Gentle love, move gracefully like the wind, blow minds, change hearts, with the breadth of thy might. With the strength of thy stance, cast thy benevolent light, eclipse downcast shadows. With thy humble spirit, persuade indifferent hearts, to be love’s gentle soul.


Wednesday Proverb; Believe!

Believing you can soar, not relying on just wings, but trusting in the faith. Believing, doesn’t look to be convinced, looks within itself to be persuaded, by the indwelling confidence. The meaning of true love, found within the evidence of its intrinsic breadth. Leaning on its everlasting arms, letting the embrace take your soul to its highest plain. It first starts inside, within the belief you can. Heart and soul with a plan, wings with an elevated span, takes your beliefs to it. The place where the soul knows, if the heart believes it, your hopes will do it, soar higher. Metaphorically, beliefs reaching the proverbial sky. No limitations, there’s absolutely nothing to it. Spreading your wings the soul sees, how far dreams take the heart. A soul on the verge, doesn’t wait on settled nerves, but the heart’s inkling, the mind’s epiphany; the manifestation. Believing, happens not by chance, but the intentional choice. Thinking it likely, predicated on the heart knowing, it’s inevitability. I know, believing sometimes seems so attainable, but yet at times so far. When, weakness tries to get the best of you? Meekness will, find a way. Belief won’t change, if hope doesn’t get distracted, when faith doesn’t get discouraged. The soul, needs love to breathe, the spirit wings to soar. The question is, does your heart, believe?


Now, Always, Forever!

In every love story, every heart has a role. From the moment, always has been, forever residing quietly, in a refreshing love. Tell me, am I holding you, or you holding my breath, and held it in your love? Goo goo gaga, what are words, when actions make the love speak so clearly. I’m going to name you, Grace; different from, Compassion; but won’t immune you from heartache. Your love eclipses my issues, ease anxious thoughts, fill me with such delight, The morning sun, with all of its glory, could never brighten my mood, the way your smile, lights up my world. Your love doesn’t just look at me, it peers into my soul, with trust, with love divine. The essence of your worth, defines how monumental your love becomes. Whether crawling, walking, running; I will always be there, to catch you with my love. You will never be alone, my love, lives within the midst of you being, within the deepest part of my soul. When I look into your love, I see only your heart. I will never get weary, battling those who can’t see into, your quintessence. Whenever your heart is in distress, when your love cries for my affection, my heart will beat against the barriers. The ocean, doesn’t have to touch the sand, for your heart to know, my love is Sure. During life’s business, forgetting you is just a waste of time. Even a foolish heart can see, your kind of love, the most precious there can be. There’s an essence, “je ne sais quoi,” in everything I feel. Your heart, doesn’t have to wear a mask of false bravado. My love will teach you, deep within your soul, courage wields its greatest power. Living, in the here and now, forever finds its true purpose. Within my love, you don’t have to smile, to hide your tears. I see you, I keep a portrait of love, hanging on my heartstrings. And when, I lay your love down, I kiss the moment. Knowing in the breathless silence, now and always, forever; your love is resting, in the depth of my soul. Maybe I’m amazed, indeed how deeply pleased, the way you’ve changed my heart, the way we need each other. Now, Always, Forever!


Life’s Call!

When life calls, the heart is compelled to answer. Some try to ignore, but life will persist, no one can forever resist. When life say’s jump, the question is not how high, but how the momentum propel the beats within your heart? Will it be beats per second, or a mind racing, trying to keep up with the jones? When life calls, there’s no option to let it go to voicemail. A heart, doesn’t have to be soft spoken, to be heard. Yelling at the top of your voice, maybe compelling, but also telling; is it well, with your soul? Everyone, has a call on their life, to love wholeheartedly. When life calls, a heart has to be first willing to get up, then willing to step up, enabling love to consistently show up. When life calls for action, what’s your reaction? Is the inclination your wants, or someone else’s desperate cry, for a heartfelt response? Every day, life calls on you to be, to become, to give. Kindness, compassion, love, life’s most precious commodities; we all have it. When life calls, don’t look around, look within. It’s never the wrong number, should never be an inconvenient moment. Every heart, will get the call to act, that’s a fact. In every moment, in every season, with every breath; life demands of you, live it well, one day at a time. The question is, when life bellows, will your heart and soul say hello; I am able!


The Poetry Within!

Let poetry speak, let it have meaning, beyond the narrative. Let it inspire, let it move, let it provoke. In its creativity, with its positivity, it will captivate. Thus, poetry is. It doesn’t need your mojo, not swayed by the back and forth, within your mind. No, no, poetry doesn’t need swagger, for words to matter. When pen and paper collaborate, poetic hues extrapolate, spoken word elaborate, elevated prose levitate. Poetry’s quintessence, leaves no room for debate. A poet’s heart, has only one intent, inked words in a rhythmical flow. The soul’s poetic muse, the heart’s most profound soliloquy, verses in reverse. The most telling poems, leaves you something to ponder, over and over. Poetry paints a story, love abstracts the meaning. When time and space collide, composition become. Though like moves, love what leaves an impression. Heart and soul synchronically inclined, poetry rhythmically refined. Words are never silenced, when love speaks. Within the poetry, breadth becomes… more than words!


My Thoughts!

My thoughts, are just that. Some talk out loud, some are about me, some about people and things; the joy it brings. Some thoughts wander, some out into left field, but that’s okay; it’s in fields of dreams. Some thoughts I share, most I keep to myself. They say, sharing is caring, but oversharing, sometimes does more harm than good. If my opinion is asked, I don’t give my thoughts, I share what’s on my heart. Intellect is nothing tangible, without love being the source. An indulgent soul, doesn’t let thoughts express, what the heart needs to convey. Some thoughts say, I’m thinking about you, and some wonder; am I in your thoughts? My thoughts don’t project, tasteless thoughts, my heart rejects. So, they don’t end up on the tip of my tongue, becoming words, sliding recklessly off my lips. It’s not mind over matter, injecting love is what truly matters. In time, hurtful memories fade, some linger on the brain, the ones the heart can’t hide. The ones so real, it makes the heart feel. Some thoughts are romantic, some poetic, some deeply intrinsic. “Years in a silent river, made my heart a deep thinker, my soul a none drinker.” Thoughts will invade, some will elevate, some I anticipate, some escape me; they were never prisoners. Some reminisce the sweet moments, some leave me wondering, some find the heart grieving. Some thoughts provoke, some I invoke, for my heart to contemplate. My thoughts, are just that; these!


The Breadth in Her Soul!

The breadth in her love, a divine imagery, a portrait of heart and soul. Her tears, deepens her faith, her hope, strengthens her resolve. Wounds heal, time reveals, how a strong woman, overcomes. Despite her flaws, her breadth is undeniable. Elevated love, expanded heart. The extent of her love, reaches. To let the soul take hold, your love be emboldened; make known her quintessence. The depth of her love, deepens, profoundly. The life felt in her bones, know the depth in her soul. To know it, for her to let it; the spirit of her love, hover the deep places of her humanity. Down in her soul, her love moves, entrenches her being; encompassing her worth. Her wants, her needs, desires released, her essence unmasked. Within her deepest breath, a pause, the exhale; her heartfelt expressions. Her quiet beauty, eclipsed by her gentle soul; love personified. Her heart beats gracefully, her love given completely. The art of becoming, the portrait of her being displayed; the breadth in her soul!


When it Reigns!

They fall, overwhelmingly can persist, cascades heavily sometimes. What soul can contain it, what heart can restrain it; what will inevitably be? Some days, whether debates the time, the place, the moment. The forecast certain, particulars unbeknownst, how much, how often, how soon? Today, will tomorrow be, draped by clouded complexities? When the sunshine retreats, the veil lifted, the heart gets pierced. The revaluation ensues, one by one, they fall. A little, a lot, sometimes; when it reigns, it pours. Puddles don’t, necessarily represent only what has developed, but what has aspired. Its existence, can never be denied, the presence is felt. Tears, fall to reveal the joy, the sadness, our humanity!


By Design; The Art of Love!

On the canvas of the heart, splashes of life reveals, the colors of love!

Chains, not a figment of imagination, for so many it provokes contemplation. The objective of chains, not to keep your limbs bound, but keep your heart restrained. Your love tethered to fear, the unknown!

A heart rises from the ashes, on the wings of love. Soars like an eagle, on the breadth therein!

So many hearts, infatuated with a love, easy on the eyes. Rather, be moved by a love, that’s easy on the heart. True love, doesn’t dress to impress, but dresses for success. Lasting love, bares it all, lets intimacy see what you’re made of?

Another instalment, of by design. For those who don’t know the story, my late daughter took graphic design in college. Since, she’s not here to live her dream, I will be creating/designing graphical images, and posting them on her behalf! I hope you enjoyed them!

WCR c/o Justinea Angelina Richards


Love is, a kinetic motion. It moves you to action, discharged feelings, becoming energy. Resulting, in what materializes. The heart’s kinetic performance, effecting change, in the mind’s posture. Love moving towards, a heart tugged by the kinetic need. Feelings, moved by love’s gravitas. The gravitational strength, makes resistance to true love, futile. If the heart is open, and the need equated, love will respond. Kinetic art, love painting a work of art. Kinetic force, love’s spirited action, compelling the heart, with an act of kindness. Kinetic energy, love’s undeniable power, to sway a heart and mind. Rain, spilling from the eyes, kinetic emotions, in the form of teardrops. In the rise, the fall of every breath, kinetic rhythm moves the heart, space and time in heartbeats. A heart swayed, the mind reacting, kinetic thoughts into motion. A poet, sharing its deepest prose, kinetic poetry converging, poetic thoughts, muse, and words. Colored brush strokes, more than figments on a blank canvas. Kinetic expressions, pigments becoming an artistic display, the nuances of love!