2nd Blogger Recognition Award!

I would like to thank Priscilla Shamin @ Writer’s Choice for nominating me for the Blogger Recognition Awards. She is a writer and artist, with a wonderful heart. Her blog is worth reading, and following; don’t hesitate to visit her site priscillashamin12.wordpress.com !

The rules are:

  1. Write a post to show your award.
  2. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  4. Give two piece of advice for new bloggers.
  5. Select other bloggers you want to give this award to.
  6. Nominate 2-3 bloggers who you believe deserve to be recognized.
  7. Comment on their blogs, to let the nominees know they have been nominated.

  • My Answers:

    Why blogging? Well, it all started back in 1976 when I took my first flight on an airplane, and I knew then I would share my story on the internet. Wait 🤔, wrong story; the internet wasn’t around then, just another episode involving my crazy imagination!

    Seriously folks, I started blogging because my heart had a story to tell; God has hearts for me to reach. I’ve been writing for about eight plus years, during that time my family and friends have been asking me to share my writing. I didn’t feel that it was the right time, I feel led that 2018 is the year chosen. Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not blogging for notoriety. This story is about God’s love, and compassion. The influence is about how His love has made a difference within my heart, and how that love can impact the hearts of the reader; with a story that will speak into the hearts of others. Not with my words, but with A word, that will point hearts in the direction, of the changer of hearts!

    My advice, take hold of today, tomorrow was never truly promised! Take hold of your heart, don’t ever worry about the battles you face. True strength can forever be yours, when you realize that true strength comes from the courage. To face the battles of life, with your God given strength; found within! This is my advice to you, and to yours! God Bless!

    My Nominees:

    Margaret from soulfood 101 blog

    • Margaret is wonderful Lady that truly loves God. I am honoured to recognize her for this award!

  • Eclipse Words

    • Aishwarya, has great material. Her post are well researched, full of content, and will challenge you to think about what you have read. I am honoured to recognize her for this award!

  • Please note: participation for the nominees is truly optional, the recognition was for your heart; feel free to decline if you wish to do so!

    God Bless!


    41 thoughts on “2nd Blogger Recognition Award!

        1. Didn’t pick it up, it’s part of this Caribbean island bwoy. We say it the same way as you, I just changed it a bit.😊

          P.S. I will be adding some of it to my fun Friday post from time to time! Big Up, Meh Hoss!

          Liked by 1 person

    1. :):) Many congratulaions Warren. I won’t repeat what I said yesterday, ok yes I will 🙂 well deserved 🙂 Thank you for thinking that I am deserving. The post is done and is scheduled for Saturday at 1pm 🙂 LORD, thank You from continuing to bless Warren 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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