In A Word!

Courage, fuel for your confidence. What strengthens your heart, to fight through what tries to hold you back. Courage to battle the nerves, that say you’re just not strong enough. Faith, what gives a heart the ability; to find Strength, face what challenges your Hope. You don’t have to be fearless, just brave enough. When fear is the battle, your heart needs to face!

Strength, a state of being, a quality worth possessing. Strength influences your Courage, to take the needed action. True Strength, not about being physically strong. Fear doesn’t respect brawn, just the power wields… by true Courage. It gives the Faith you possess, the Strength your Hope needs; to never give up. It’s not about acting tough, that just might… be an obstacle. If Strength of character, doesn’t restrain the power; that transforms, how true Strength is used!

Hope, not just what you feel, but also in the expectancy; that your circumstance will change. Hope to see a change, but know where to place your confidence? You can desire something, but you still have to believe; that it will be possible. Hope found, what you heart should forever hold onto. Hopefulness optimism, means you truly have to trust; in what your Faith, is willing to Hope for!

Peace, not just a heart knowing calm; but a soul knowing the Faith, that produces Peace within your soul… day after day. Peaceful, and tranquil moments are a true blessing. But may the desire forever be, finding true Peace when; the moment seems so surreal!

Peace and Hope, takes Faith to find. The Courage to never let go, of the Strength it truly gives. What, is In A Word? What it truly means to you, and letting your Faith; tether them all together!


24 thoughts on “In A Word!

  1. Peace, not just a heart knowing calm; but a soul knowing the Faith, that produces Peace within your soul… boy do I feel into this line right now in my own life. I always look forward to reading your posts Warren. You have such a gift😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wonderful to hear it was words your heart needed to hear! Appreciate the comment! Hope you saved a copy of the (Your Worth) picture? The last part of it, and a few of the words, was related to your June anniversaries! Blessings!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love your writing so soulful, this is a most beautiful piece you have written. Peace, Courage and Faith. Faith for me is what keeps me going. Allowing the Soul to empower our being so faith rules our lives. Today is the first day I woke up feeling peace and contentment within and around me. Bless you Warren for your foresightedness.

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