Forever Will Be!

Like a beautiful flower, blossoming so tenderly. Love’s sweet fragrance, an incense with a distinct aroma. True love, has that thing, that deepens with time. Falling in love, not knowing why, becomes just a feeling, that; “Je Ne Sais Quoi.” But, when you know, that it was destined, it becomes deeper than just a feeling; but love’s profound destiny. Real love, will never make your heart and soul question why; do I, can I, should I, love you always? If the reason is pondered, how then, can a heart ever embrace its wonder, love’s forevermore? Its gentle presence, sways your soul, moves within every beat of your heart. Its rhythm, more than the mind could fathom, words could ever articulate. Love is, not just a head laid on your shoulder, but the heart of love, resting gently on your soul… forever!

I’ve been asked many times; “what’s my secret, to a lasting marriage” The answer’s always the same, “LOVE THE ONE YOU’RE WITH!” Within the lens of a flawed perspective, love will never be perfect. It’s not about finding the right person, “but YOU becoming, what love needs you to be. The moral to love’s forever, never question its validity. Instead, let your heart and soul seek to know, the breadth of its everlasting truth, found within the strength of love’s existence!

May 28th, my wife and I, will celebrate our thirty sixth year anniversary. Last May, my wife spent eight weeks in the hospital, after suffering a stroke, which she’s still recovering from. Not wanting to let the moment pass, I brought some flowers, dinner, and we watched a movie on my tablet. You can’t always control, the circumstances life brings, but the secret lies in, making the best of the moments you have!


21 thoughts on “Forever Will Be!

  1. Happy anniversary. I hope your bride is doing better. 36 years is a testament to the endurance of love and grace for each other. My wife and I will celebrate 34 years later this year.
    Blessings to you and your bride. Blessings!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. 36 years!! Wow!! Congrats to the Beautiful couple – And may Our Lord bless you and your better half with many, many more anniversaries together, and in continual love 🥰

    Liked by 1 person

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