
When your heart feels like it’s in a fight, and it turns into the fight of your life. Don’t back down, even if the struggle becomes real; fight the good fight. Search your heart, find the faith within; let it bring you through the fight. Let faith fortify your heart, it’s a fight for the soul. A constant attack by the opposer, and it seems like a battle for the mind; overwhelming head shots. Some days it feels like you’re going to lose your mind. Hands up, guard your heart; trust your faith. Even if you’re on the ropes, but it feels like your back is against a wall; never give up, it’s not defeat. Hope is never lost, hope is forever found; keep the faith!

Even if the pain feels like body blows, and every time you do a gut check; your faith seems in tatters. Let hope be the rope, that will always have your back. Believe, is always the place to start. But faith still needs to be the fabric, the thread; that gives hope the strength it needs. Bob, weave, no need to worry about the scorecard; let your faithfulness, be undisputed. Let your heart float like a butterfly, death has no sting. Free your mind, steady your heart; but if your heart is feeling weary? If the fight is taking its toll, go down; on your knees. Count your blessings, find your strength; you’re about to get a breakthrough. The heart of a warrior, what keeps you in the fight!

Overwhelmed is the feeling, a heart desperately trying to breathe. Sometimes it feels like the fight is shadows; the past, just won’t let you breathe. When the past, tries to undercut your progress; it’s time for an uppercut. Don’t let the shadow box in… your heart, the past is just that; shadows. Victory becomes a reality, when the love within a heart; truly becomes undisputed. A knock down, doesn’t mean a knockout. Let sorrow, become your greatest joy; turn every tear, into a victorious cry. There’s so much beauty, when a heart rises from ashes. Within the strength of a love, fighting on your behalf; fighting for your heart. Deliver an everlasting blow, to the one trying to contend for your soul. Hands up, let the love of Jesus; fight on your behalf. Rest, this love; Undisputed!

Let the love of Jesus, leave your heart breathless; forever in awe. Hold fast, this love was tested; forty days, forty nights. Stone to bread, but the bread of life; cast away a heart of stone. A love willing to die, a heart wide open; The Greatest… Sacrifice. A love announced, in your corner; Jesus… is here. Three days, it was a hell of a fight; but who could truly contend? Jesus rose, Victorious, Glorious; His love forever the key. A love Unquestionably the greatest. Incontrovertible, Unequivocal, Irrefutable; Undeniable. The Uncontested Champion, the Defender of our heart. Christ in you, the hope of glory; step into your victory. Hallelujah, Thank You, Jesus. Your Love Reigns; Undisputed, Forevermore!


40 thoughts on “Undisputed!

  1. The Undisputed Champion—our Champion of Love. I think you already know, but I will say it anyway—this is an Awesome post and so filled with truth, so filled with wisdom all the way through. Though I really like the whole post, the beginning stands out for me, because right now I think the whole world is in a battle for their minds. I think many are taking head shots right now, but they do not realize from where the blows are coming from and as a result many do and will lose their minds. Great job Warren, I really love this boxing analogy.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. WCR this is my favorite☀️ , your words touched the core of my heart💟 and soul, you wrote what I have lived, I just didn’t know how to say it with such Inspiration ,Hope and Encouragement. Your words have blessed me with this creation of words formulated and filled with the truth and strategy of a true warrior for Christ! Thank you for writing! Absolutely Amazing!!!➕

    Liked by 4 people

  3. i love how you encouraged even those of us who feel lost………..that we are not hopeless and can get back up to fight another day. God bless you being a cheerleader for me today, I deeply appreciate it.

    Liked by 5 people

  4. Yes! Amen! This touched my heart. God’s love reign forever! May He continue to bless and use you to fulfill His purpose.

    Liked by 1 person

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