Struck… by the Beauty!

Your love, had my heart with just a mere glimpse. A heart forever captured, by just one glance. Into You, no; Your love first saw into me. A heart so profoundly moved, by such a sweet fragrance, by such a distinguishing aroma; a truly delightful love. So much more, than one heart could ever articulate. Makes a heart sometimes ask the question, why? Why does Your love, choose to make this heart… a home? Once a heart of stone, but now Your love is my daily bread. Even when my heart finds itself in a dry land, parched becomes the soul; a thirst for more You. A blown mind, a heart of stone struck by a love. A soul with a continuous overflow, water from the crevices of my heart. How could a heart ever hold back, when the gushing love; is a tidal wave of emotions? A heart absolutely struck, by the beauty of this love!

Even when I am struck, by a passing gust of fear; that my heart will be overwhelmed? It’s still Your love, that gives me enough faith to believe. There’s never any fear, trusting Your heart. The strength of Your love, what I forever lean on; the one thing that steadies my soul. Even when my vision is blurred, by what my heart perceives to be the truth. I am once again struck, to know Your love is the only thing; that helps my heart to see. I could gain the world, but still would have gained nothing. My heart wants nothing else, but You. To know Your love, is to know Your heart. Such a great privilege, is therefore my greatest gain!

Oh, I would rather be in want of air; than to ever be in want of Your love, that’s how my heart knows to breathe. Where have the years gone, it’s has been so many years; but it seems like just yesterday. Your love struck the first chord… within my heart. Your love stirred a silent river, moved a heart to tears; with an endless flow of love. A heart still struck to know, how Your love still moves me. So many days have gone wrong; down a ways, sideways, in different ways; but always, my heart remained vertical. Not in fear of being stuck down, but never wanting to ever be a letdown; to a love so amazing. A heart absolutely Struck… by the Beauty, of Your love!


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