
So many find ways to give less, but that’s not my heart. My love will never be perfect, but will always be faithful. These days, so many call themselves a daredevil; but yet, don’t dare be different. So many say they know fearless, but more, or less; you still need the add-in, the element of faith. Conquering fear, not about the battles fought. How many won, or lost; but all the lessons learned. You don’t have to be a gallant knight, to know how to fight off the unknown. Some wars, are not just physical. Knowing how to fight, shadows in the night, is not about having the right skills; but the right kind of faith. Knowing a fearless trust, in whom true power is found. A heart knowing the power, that will skillfully wield; the tool… within the chest!

They say, less is more; but, not when more truly needs to be said. My heart doesn’t try to just write down, but capture the words; whispered within the soul. A heart trying to explain, a love unexplainable. Words are not at a loss, but sometimes it’s a heart; lost in words. Why, my heart can never write less than; what’s put in my heart to say. My soul doesn’t have to wonder how to interpret it, just faithfully be a heart willing; to write down the words within. Say Who it’s about, and let the story tell the Why; Never-the Less!

How can a heart convey whispers of love, spoken within a soul; without first knowing Speechless? How can a heart experience, lost for words; without knowing where words are first formed? To be emotionally moved, could never truly be by just an emotional thought; but a heart knowing true emotions. A heart moved to tears, but a soul knowing overwhelmed… always. Tears running down, the soul pouring out; the heart chasing after… forever. Most days, the choice I have to make is Sleepless; but never a soul feeling Restless. Sometimes, my heart is left Speechless. So many times, a soul experiencing a love called Breathless. Never a day, will my soul know a moment named Faithless. Every day, will be a heart knowing nothing Less; than the Relentless pursuit. The choice to absolutely love more, Never-the-Less!


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