The Unyielding Love!

It doesn’t take bravery to love, true courage is choosing to stay; in love, come what may. Boldness will move a heart forward, but faithfulness is what makes the love forever. Stand up against fear… of commitment, it’s not about resistance. Sometimes the line gets blurred, and we lose sight of what we’re truly resisting; sometimes love is what gets caught in the middle. When sorrow tries to steal the joy, when division comes creeping; make sure the love is never shaken. Don’t let fear get a hold, let forever be the bond; never broken!

Strength of character, takes bravery. Fear will never stand a chance, when the fight to resist; is not within your heart. Choosing to love forever, is not an act of valor. So many say their love is fearless, but when the struggle gets too real. Strength to stand on your commitment, becomes the first characteristic; a yielding heart abandons. True Love doesn’t yield to fear, but stands its ground; fortified by the bond. Fortitude, determination; the boldness to take a stand. It takes faith to steady the heart, but boldly stand; upon the love!

  • ❤️ Happy Valentines!


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