I Can’t!

• Right up front I will let you know, this is a bit longer than usual. A part of the story, that was laid on my heart this week; to write and share. May it be a blessing, may it move you… closer to His heart!

For as far back as my heart can remember, I can see how God’s love; has been my refuge. Before my heart knew how to breathe, He was already my breath. Whenever my soul wanted to hide from the world, Hide and Seek; what the heart within a silent river, played day after day. My heart knew how to be quiet, but my soul restless; not yet knowing the stillness. But God, His love always knew; exactly where to find my heart. When my soul started the seeking; His love, what my heart found… every time. The heart of a child, didn’t yet know how to truly feel; but my soul, within an embrace. Why my heart can say, without any hesitation; I Can’t… do anything on my own. Every day is a fight, but never a struggle… for my heart. Even when my heart didn’t yet understand, my soul knew a long time ago; who I am, and who is the breadth. My heart can breathe, but I Can’t… take a breath; if not through His love!

He says I can do all things, but I know; only if His love… is what moves me. He says I’m a conqueror, but I couldn’t win a single battle; in my own strength. I can tell ten thousand stories, in my own words, but I still wouldn’t be able to move a single heart. If His love wasn’t the breath, breathing through each verse. I could repeat a thousand times; I think I can, I think I can. We can say all the right words, but it takes faith to believe… you can. When I stumble, I don’t have to worry about the fall. He died, so His love can show a heart… how to rise again. So many think, that I am so strong; but I tell you the truth. I would be truly weak, if His love wasn’t the power… that moves within. What can ever compare, to the greatest love; a heart will ever know?

Let me share with you, why iWirte. Why my heart is just the pen, His love forever the ink. About ten years ago, I had a moment, an encounter; a shift within my heart and soul. I was a Christian for twenty four years, doing everything asked of my heart. Head down, heart wide open; but the journey. One faithful step forward, only to see all the footprints; get washed away. A heart devastated, just like that little boy; a heart feeling so alone. But God, He took my heart; back through the pages of my life. To show, to reveal to my heart; the times when His love… never left me. That it was His love pulling me through, from what should have broken my spirit. You see, my praying grandmother made sure from I could walk; that God’s love, would be a part of my life. Even though He had a hold of my soul, I didn’t give Him my heart; until the age of fifteen. After giving my heart, the focused was just one thing; His love. My heart was so in love, but why not. Unbeknownst to the heart of a child, God was loving on my soul… for fifteen years!

I don’t believe in fairy tales, I trust in God. There is truly nothing in the world, I want, there’s nothing my heart will ever need; than this love. The search for love was over, the very moment I could clearly see. There’s a captivating love story, written on my heart. Why my soul no longer needs to hide, because my heart will forever seek. I Can’t, I Couldn’t, I Won’t, I Don’t… want to breathe, or even take a breath. If this love, is not what moves my heart. A textbook introvert, gave his heart. To receive sight, through an awoken soul. This love will always have my heart, for when I needed it the most; His love hovered. Creating within my soul, a deeper meaning to love. I Can’t do nothing; But, God Can… do it all. Joy, Hope, Peace, Strength; a Refuge. I Can’t even take credit, for who I am. His Story, His Voice; my heart; but His Love… within. Father, everything my soul has ever searched for, found complete… in You!


73 thoughts on “I Can’t!

  1. Warren, I believe this is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read! That is truly how I feel about God. I can’t do ANYTHING without Him! When He filled me with His Spirit, I have totally been in love ever since! He has brought me a mighty long way! He has always been with us, all, even when we were formed in our mother’s womb! I know I will never have a love as great as this one ! I love my family, and they love me, but only God can LOVE us all completely. Thanks for sharing your story! Again….so beautiful! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank you for sharing your heart. I understand….I can do NOTHING- He does all through me- through us. Like you said; we can write but we cannot move hearts, only He can. I appreciated and related to all that you said there.

    While I was reading, I felt like I missed what ” one faithful step forward “, ended up in all of the footsteps being washed away? It felt like I should have picked up on something that wasn’t written, even if you were trying to be vague and I think you were.
    I understand the outcome. What ever the event was that caused this; ” all of the footsteps being washed away”, you realized your union in Christ and His love for you and your love for him.

    Thank you again for sharing. Blessings,

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Amen to grandmothers for getting the little ones started on the right path. It is always wonderful to see and hear, when we can recognize that no credit lies with us for the things we do, but it is all God, working through us. It is also wonderful to read your posts and see a heart that is continually filled with God’s love.

    Liked by 1 person

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