Try Joy!

It’s free, you just need to add the right ingredient. Not sure where to get it, where to find it; if you’re going to like it? I’ve tried it, and it’s truly awesome; I know you’re going to love it too. All you have to do, get yourself some peace, sprinkle on it lots of hope, and add in some real contentment. Mix them all together, with love… for yourself. Once you’ve done all that, you will be able truly taste, and see; how joy can truly change a perspective. You can’t buy this kind of joy, you can’t even borrow it from someone else. Only your heart, and your soul can put together the right ingredient needed; to produce the sweetest tasting joy. True joy is free, the price already paid. When you know God, His love shows you how; His joy can transform heart, and soul. Only then, will you be able to share that joy, with others. Yes, from time to time we do struggle; with not having enough to share. We just need to remember, on the road called life; it’s a journey, we all have to take. The joy we seek, comes when a heart is truly fulfilled. The presence of God’s love, the only thing; that can give a soul fullness… of joy. When the heart embraces the true fullness, your soul will find; it gives pleasure… forever. Then your heart will have what it truly needs, to go help light the world. Let the power that joy brings, be the center of what fills you. With true love, hope, and abundant peace. So, regardless of what your heart has to constantly taste? Even bitterness, will never have any true flavor; when you, Try Joy… everyday!


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