First Love!

Still, always, forever; my first love, that will never change. Hell, death has no hold. Your love called to my heart, and my soul ran out of my grave cloths. Your love is still the anchor, my soul securely tethered to. Your love did what no other would, fought to show that my heart had worth. You won my heart, You have my soul. Your love is my song, every lyric, every verse; it makes my heart sing. Your heart is the light, shines like a lighthouse. It’s what guides my soul, through the darkest nights. It’s my strong tower, the only fortress my heart has ever known; a refuge in the storm. My greatest joy, what it’s always been. Lover, oh my soul; still yearn to know Your heart. Heart to heart, that’s the encounter; for my soul to taste the sweetest love. Your love is the fire, the flame upon my heart. The love still burns deep, my soul is forever set ablaze. The beautiful exchange, so beautiful a transformation; what You’ve made out of my soul. Breathless, what You’ve made my heart… become. My heart truly adores You, every breath I have… it’s yours. Nobody else, will ever get me, get this; My First Love, it’s You… Abba!

When I talk about first love, for me that’s literal. I grow up, without knowing a true earthly father’s love. Even though, I was an only child; I never had a close loving relationship with my mother ether. I was the first born for my father, but he didn’t embrace the daddy role. My mother had left me in the Caribbean at about age four, to build a new life for us in another country. Off and on, I was able to visit my father. At age six, he put me on a plane; never to inquire about me again. For the next twenty years, we only had one encounter. When I was sixteen, my mother planned a trip to the Caribbean. When I was reunited with my mother, and because she was a single mother; she enrolled me in a boarding school/home. I lived there, from age six to ten. Even though, we could go visit on the weekends; my mother didn’t drive. So therefore, I didn’t always get the chance, for the change of scenery. Fast forward to being married, I wanted my father to know his grandkids. I heard he was in the U.S visiting, so I took my eight year old son at the time on a plane; to go meet his granddad. Eventually, he also got a chance to me the entire family. He’s now in his seventies, with failing health. And the one child, he hesitated to lay claim to, is the only one he has a relationship with now; to help defray some of the health cost!

Maybe, that helped drive my heart; deep into an introverted silent river, where my heart spent many years. My heart, could have gone down so many paths. But God, His love hovered; stayed with me there, embracing my soul in the stillness. Then took my heart out of the river, and placed it in an ocean; encompassed my soul with His love. So I can now tell you, why I know deeply. The love that glistens profoundly, upon the river of my soul. Predestined, when He set the stage, for a true love encounter. He will always be there for you, every step of the way. Just like you, I can share a thousand stories; things we encounter along the journey. My life isn’t special, it’s the love within; that changed the meaning. I said that, to say this. Knowing God’s love first, what made it possible for my heart; to know a better relationship. I wasn’t planning to share all this, but felt I needed to explain the why; First Love? My friends, let me ask you this? What brings your heart, the greatest joy? What do you know, you can always hold on to; when your soul, is in the middle of a hurricane? When the water just won’t recede, where do you go for refuge? But most importantly, in a time such as this; what’s your, First Love?


19 thoughts on “First Love!

  1. Warren, I’m glad you shared your journey. Us introverts feel we need to hold things in way too many times. But our scars will help someone going through what we are going through or have been through. I pray that your testimony and poem will touch the one who needs it the most!
    My first love is Jesus and always will be!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Amen. God is so good, and though at many times we may feel as though we have been left alone in deep waters, it is so good to know that God is always there and He will never leave us.
    So many of us have walked similar difficult pathways, but I believe God allows these difficulties to shape our characters, and as a result we can become stronger in our standing and in our love for Him. Thank you for sharing a part of your life story with us. May you always profess and keep Jesus as your first Love. Blessings to you and your family Warren.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Powerful testimony, Warren. So many young men are growing up without a earthly father and have ended up on the wrong path. I thank God He rescued you so that you could know the joy of His love. I pray that others will encounter the unfailing love of God. Thank you for sharing.

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  4. My First Love was Jesus. My 5 year old frame, lying in my bed in the dark. asking Him to rock me to sleep, to make the Light come on in my world. . . He never left . No matter the Dark, No matter the Distance, No Matter What. . My Forever Love. My Jesus . My Heart.

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