Don’t Know How?

We all go through things, we all go through trying times. Our hearts are forever tested, hold on to your faith. Hope is the foundation, but faith is the key; unlock your destiny. Has your back been against the wall, but while standing there. Your faith told you to look up, and the wall disappeared; but you don’t know how?

• Does it look as if you can never win, but then that all suddenly changed; and you’re not sure why?

• Did you have a bill that got paid, but you didn’t know how?

• Was there a mountain, that you felt you couldn’t climb; but somehow you got to the other side, and you don’t know how you did it?

• Did your kids change their bankrupt way of thinking, and you don’t know how?

• Did you get a promotion, that you weren’t expecting; now you’re asking yourself how, or even why?

• Do you ever look back, on where you’ve come from; astonished to see how far you’ve come, but you don’t know how?

My friend, God is in control. Your faith is what opened the door, God’s love is what always brings you through. God meets you at your faith, His love leads the way; with faith, nothing impossible.

Giants get defeated, walls fall, chains break, mountains move; God’s love makes a way. You may not know how, you may not know why? But He does it, for you; be forever grateful!

“Taste and see, that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” Psalm‬ ‭34:8‬ ‭NIV‬‬


53 thoughts on “Don’t Know How?

    1. My pleasure! But it’s not perfect time. My Sunday post, and all my post are spirit inspired, it’s never preselected. Especially my Sunday post, it comes from what I hear the spirit speaking; during church service, worship; when is clear, iWrite. It’s God encouraging you. God bless!

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Indeed Warren, it’s been Him, it’s all been because of Him. A lot of times, we think we do them with our own two hands, but it’s really because He’s been the driving force behind the hands that has made it all possible to achieve. Great post! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank God Wendi. He gives me my Sunday message, and inspires the words within all my post! His love is the beauty within my words, my heart is the pen; His love is the ink! Read my reply to Debra (beetreegathering)!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. This is a Great Post, beautifully penned from the heart having endured test of faith. When we dare to experience the true and living God for ourselves we will see miracles, signs and wonders…


    Liked by 2 people

  3. Beautiful post – this brought tears to my eyes. Going through something tough right now and it’s nice to be reminded that God is always there for me. I”ve survived a lot of challenges in the past because of HIM. Now, HE is still in control of my life……and I’ll continue to trust HIM.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely, never leave or forsake! I been called to post the messages that He puts within my heart. This one has blessed so many, and I’m truly humbled that He has chosen me. To be His voice here on WordPress; He’s speaking through me, a message to you! May His words, be the comfort and peace; that your heart has been seeking! God bless you!

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