Through It All!

Our love has been tested, through the storms of life; within this love journey. Through it all we’ve learned to trust, trust that the anchor will forever hold!

• The winds blew strong; but stronger was the anchor, to this day it still holds.

• The tidal waves came, high were the waves. But the higher the waves, the deeper went the anchor; it still holds.

• The rains were torrential, sometimes the downpour so overwhelming; but yet, the anchor still holds.

• The waters rose high, but my heart was never drowning. My heart was secure, I knew within my soul; in whom the anchor holds.

Even when our hands could not hold tight, we still didn’t lose hope. Within every moment, within every situation; our hearts were still anchored. We held on tighter than ever, the anchor was God’s love. Yes, through it all, within our weakness. Through it all, our faith remained strong; knowing that the three strands, could never be broken!

Babe, our hearts have weathered many storms; our love is still securely anchored. The storms came, to test the strength of our hearts. But the strength of our character, that’s what have fortified our love. How can two hearts ever tell how strong they truly are? If not for real test, and unyielding trials; but through it all.

Sweet lady, listen to my soul. Hear that your love is still entwined, beating with the rhythm of my heartbeat; a beat ever so strong. Your love is the reason, why through it all; my heart is still anchored, to the strength of your love!


55 thoughts on “Through It All!

  1. This is so wonderful Warren!❤

    “You only need one man to love you. But him to love you free like a wildfire, crazy like the moon, always like tomorrow, sudden like an inhale and overcoming like the tides. Only one man and all of this.”
    ― C. JoyBell C.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. So beautifully written Warren…………I love to read how love has grown stronger through all your trials in life………..God bless you and your wife my friend……….I pray for her often.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Very beautifully written with the most true and earnest words! So many mistakes and storms to pass before we finally realize that true feelings, care and respect towards your beloved one is the most important thing in the world 🌎💙

    Liked by 1 person

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