A Friday Story; The Amazing Day!

I woke up, it was next to you. Watched you sleep for a moment, kissed you gently, tenderly; I didn’t want to wake, a sleeping angel. So, I rolled out of bed; I had a role to play. Man, what a pleasure; to provide love for your heart. Said a prayer, got dressed; brushed my teeth second. I wanted the kiss upon my lips, to stay with me; forever and a day. Still thinking about the kiss, I slowly headed to the kitchen. With every step there was a resounding echo within my soul; love was the song upon my lips. My heart just kept humming the favorite part; I have nuff love for you!

When I got to the kitchen I had a wonderful breakfast, it was the kiss that made it much sweeter; the sugar I got from my sweet… tea. It took me a while to focus my gaze; off the kiss, and onto the newspaper. As I was checking the lottery section; I realized that we won ten million dollars. So I left the house, and went to go pick up our winnings. On the way I stopped, I had to rescue a cat stuck in a tree. Then a few more minutes down the road, there was a house on fire; with a woman screaming, please save my baby. Without giving it a second thought, I ran straight into the house; rescued the baby. I gently placed the baby into mother’s arms, she thanked me. Then lovingly hugged and kissed the baby, it was such a loving embrace. Tears, and awe; what a sight to behold, we were surrounded by guardian angels!

I finally reached the lottery office, picked up the winnings. It was more money than we would ever need, so I decided to use half of it; to help eradicate world hunger. Some were donated to charity, some used to help discover a cure for Cancer. What was left, just enough to pay the bills; what more do I truly need? Mohammad Ali heard about what was done, he invited me to his home. Thanked me and said, you’re The Greatest. I quickly stopped him, deflected; told him that I don’t hold such a title. There’s nothing great, or impressive about my heart. I looked to the heavens, pointed; to Him who is truly The Greatest. The Amazing Love, that has no contender; a heart, Undisputed!

When I got back home later that day, I kissed my wife; told her all about my day. I said, Wow; what a truly Amazing Day! All because; I WOKE UP, AND IT WAS NEXT TO YOU!!

  • The first paragraph is part of my day, the stories in the following; are things that if the opportunity presented itself, exactly how I would approach them! Life is short, it’s not what you do each day that’s makes a person; but who makes your heart, thrive!

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