Stay Off the Grass!

Sometimes we tend to look into the lives of others, and think how the grass seems so much greener. Your grass is growing, and you do get to enjoy it; but it’s a bit patchy. You feel like your season is almost over, so you start to wonder; when will it be your season for change? The grass may look greener, but just remember this; first look for a sign. It just might tell you, Stay… where you are. The grass on the other side, didn’t become green overnight. Just like a well manicured grass, your heart is being meticulously cared for; it’s all in the details!

This tale is not about sweat equity, so don’t sweat it. If you sow the right seeds, and love the season you’re in; your heart will surely flourish. It’s about time, seed, harvest. When love is the fertilizer, your heart will enjoy showers of blessings. Let it rain down, lift your heart to the sky; give thanks. The grass may be greener, but you didn’t see; when weeds overwhelmed. What it took to get it looking so lush; a hope in, and how much faith was applied!

• Stay off the grass, if you can’t appreciate; the place where you’re at!

• Stay off the grass, if you’re unsure; if where you’re at; is not where you need to be?

• Stay off the grass, if you’re still guessing and spelling? If the sign is just for show, not a show; what results from true grit!

So, stay off the grass; if you haven’t yet learned, how to stay the course. Shortcuts are convenient, but it’s not the path. There’s a path, that leads to greener pastures; all that’s required, a choice. To not trample on someone else’s dream, trying to get to a brighter tomorrow. While waiting for your season to change, be not anxious; God sees where you’re at. Take hold of His love, let Him take hold of your heart. Be content, follow the path set before you. It’s the little things in the choices you make, that demonstrates your character. If you’re happy and you know it, do all… of the above. In everything, truly make it a labor of love. And Stay Off the Grass, if the sign; is in plain sight!

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” Matthew 6:25-26 NIV

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