What Matters!

These days, there’s so much trying to demand; the attention of your heart. Oppression, Depression, Opposition; what can sometimes wage war, against your heart. The struggle is reality, but God… all power. Every day, let your soul breath… in that reality. Let your heart embrace, that hope never fails. So many think, to keep from becoming a victim, to resist; formulate a mind over matter defense. One part hope, two parts wishful thinking; and top it off, with whatever feels good… at the moment. With that kind of formula, no wonder why so many minds… are devastated. When they realize; it was a Heart Matter, a search within… for the strength to overcome. The battlefield is the mind, but war first won within the heart; to fight, or give in?

The struggle for supremacy; between heart and soul. Some believe, all you need is the will to resist; but still lack the power within… to truly overcome. So many try to equip themselves with mental toughness, but forget to equip their heart… with What truly Matters. A belief system, not easily penetrated by someone else’s doubts… within themselves. That just cast a shadow, on your ability to shine. So many pat themselves on the back, believing they’re exercising so much… restraint. Telling you how to get a grip, while chained to a lie. You can have true hope, without the faith component. You can think you can, but the heart still needs to believe… you will.

Defend your soul against a ruthless attack, trying to put fear in your heart? While trying to destroy your hope, by wiping out your resolve; that faith begets hope. The battles are won, not by just deploying a good strategy; but within the execution, of unwavering faith. You can build up the best defenses, only to have them turn into barriers. To display the true heart of a warrior, gird your courage… so it never wavers. Wars are won, not because every battle is an outright victory. What Matters; you kept on fighting, you never gave up… the fight. Don’t rely on just will power, strength is found within your courage. But you have to keep the faith, and hope alive!

“Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth. Does not become tired, or grow weary; There is no searching of His understanding. He gives strength to the weary, and to him who has no might; He increases power!” ISAIAH 40:28-29 AMP


22 thoughts on “What Matters!

  1. Holding onto hope and faith while allowing love to lead one’s heart and mind is key. Great thoughts you’ve expressed here and very well written. Thank you Warren🤗

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