Training Day!

Training day, to equip your heart; to build your faith. First, crawl; to know how to stand… with new strength. Train the soul, teach the mind; how to not get ahead… of the heart. Utilize mental toughness, but still demonstrate courage. To battle the doubts within, to become forever victorious; through an even bigger faith. The battlefield is in the mind, but the battles won; when every heart beat, resounds a stronger faith. A mind undecided, is a heart double minded. A heart can know fierce, but don’t neglect to train the soul; the art of vigilant. It’s not about being confident, but in whom you put the confidence? Train the soul up in confidence, to go forth confident; your faith will overcome. Faith is the substance that lifts up, hope the evidence to what’s seen; faith protruding… from within!

Life is not a sprint, but a journey that requires a faithful walk; we ALL have to take. We can deny it, but day after day; a heart has to learn, how to overcome. Every day, at the light that dawns; the war rages, another battle… fought within. A changing mood, a whim that looms. Could be a mind blown, or just… another Training Day. To know when not to fight, but be still… and know; your heart is going to be okay. A press through, to rise up… stronger than the day before. Running the race with vigor, endure to the end. Train for the fight nights, when darkness comes to rumble; test your resolve. First day, second day; forty years running… from lack. It truly doesn’t matter, what you have to overcome. The heavier the weight, stronger becoming… the faith you exercise!

So, don’t curl… up in a corner; thinking your faith is too weak. Put what little you have at the moment, on display. Show someone else, how your faith is being built… up. Not from just reading the manual, but having faith in the words. Letting it resonate, do a work within; to be forever changed. The power to fight the good fight, to conquer fear… of the unknown. In the middle of a storm, faith is what rises up… from the ashes. You don’t have to go to boot camp, to know how to build true faith. The testing, the tested; each test. To see a fire burning within, a love encamped; around your faith. Training is not about technique, or how much you undertake. Overcoming faith, is the preparation, the process, the foundation. Faith building, the spirit, and a physical collaboration. Why everyday, you work out… your own salvation!

Train up the heart, to not depart from the truth. Resist the temptation, to believe it’s about works. It’s not practice makes perfect, but the already perfected work. A heart in training, a soul undergoing… a transformation; faith becoming… stronger. It’s not about mental fitness, or mind over matter. Strong faith, is a heart condition… ing. Faith is not found, it’s acquired. A soul conditioned to receive, a heart made ready to step out… Faith gives the power, the strength to break a stronghold. This I know, King Kong, has nothing on me. Strong faith exercised, can not just break chains; but move mountains. It’s not about Evolution, but what is Created. A Genissis, that becomes a Revelation… in heart and soul. Faith, is not a role played; but a role I take seriously. Training Day; every day… I rise!


20 thoughts on “Training Day!

  1. Awesome post, again filled with so much truth…..”The battlefield is in the mind…” I love this line, as I so believe this, and I see it playing out right now in our world, only many do not realize where the war is being waged. Perhaps one day soon all will realize just where and how the battle is being waged.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love this Warren! It’s very encouraging. “Life is not a sprint, but a journey that requires a faithful walk;” This is so true! We live in a microwave quick fix society, but life requires our faithful walk. We must persevere and put in the work to make wise choices.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Awesome post, once more crammed with so tons truth…..”The battlefield is in the mind…” I fancy that line, as I and trust this, yet I confer that playing out right nowadays between our world, only much do not recognise where the struggle is life waged. Perhaps one time quickly every will realize just the place yet whether the war is existence waged.

    Liked by 1 person

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