
Hope, you’re such a good friend. When my heart was lost in the darkness, Your love was the light; shimmering bright… into my soul. Hope, how I will forever lean on You; my faith and trust… in You alone. When fear is the darkness that creeps, You put hearts and mind at ease; with just a small still whisper. Hope , love for You; what steadies the heart, what comforts the soul. Hope, I truly can’t speak for anyone else; “I Love You.” Just thinking about, what the essence of Your love truly means to a heart. Words cannot even express, who You are. But one word can truly describe, what You are; faithful. Every time, You peer deep into my soul. It’s a river, an endless overflow… of my love and tears!

Hope, You are a strong tower. Your loving embrace, gives a soul true confidence. Teaches a heart, what is true faith. With Hope, what battles your soul; won’t make it so easy, for your heart to just give up. Hope, will help you to stand stronger. Mountains will seem that much smaller. Whatever seems a giant, with Hope; it will never define your heart. I can say without a doubt; Hope, is a true friend. When mother, father, brother, sister. When the world seems the darkest, there’s still Hope… for a brighter tomorrow. In times of need, a heart that has Hope; will always cast a light… on shadows. When fear takes hold, when the dog bites, when the bee stings. When the feeling is only sadness, in the very midst… Hope!

My friends, let Hope take hold of your heart. Let Hope forever walk with you, talk into your soul. Hope knows your name, Hope knows how to soothe… your beating heart. You’re not alone, Hope is the power within. Trust Hope with your life, then every day… walk in victory. Hope, will never rob your heart. Hope is a gift, for when darkness grips the soul. Hope is what a heart needs, to see clearly. When the thief comes at the darkest hour, to steal, to kill; to rob you of every bit of your joy. With Hope, your heart will know how to hide… in the secret place; where Grace and Mercy resides. When you know how to put your Hope… in God. His love will never let your heart and soul, be destroyed!

“I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans‬ ‭15:13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

21 thoughts on “Hope!

    1. Thank you! Instead of just a hope quote, I was led… to make the entire post about Hope. I’ve been hearing that Hope was needed in so many of this weeks WordPress reading. (Save a copy of the picture) God bless!


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