A Message; The Cling!

Hearts tossing and turning, souls gripped by fear… of the unknown. Underneath every breath, under the quiet; uncertainty looms. Hearts realizing the fragile state, a world broken. Hearts that haven’t yet found, the one thing they can cling to. My heart is not ashamed, to tell the whole world; I’m extra… clingy, you can read all about it. About a soul extra needy, a heart still hanging… on every word. No static, just the Cling; to the fragrance, of this gentle love. Even when words are not said, the love… everything; a heart will ever need. A whisper in the dark, a song in the night. With every tumble… out of bed, dry bones feel so refreshed. A soul clinging to the vine, a heart dialing into the main line. Love on the mind, the soul calling; to a heart so Divine!

Friends, I can talk about what I face, or what we all face in our everyday. My heart is intentional, we all should be intentional; to focus on what truly matters. The Cling, to the Divine. In these uncertain times, we can truly see; it’s a small world after all. Fear, and anxiety; has taken hold of so many hearts. Many are trying, to take hold of tomorrow. Forgetting to acknowledge, who holds every single tomorrow. When a soul doesn’t truly know, on what to cling? The default setting of a wayward heart, cling to everything. But, when we truly know how to be still. In the stillness, where the soul forever finds peace. To help the mind see beyond the fear, past the darkest shadows. Push through the doubts, to touch the heart of God. It’s in that place, your soul will know to cling tight. To never let go, of His faithful love. Don’t clutch to what you believe, is the last bit of Grace; that can be found. Don’t believe the lies, that you have to stockpile Mercy; because tomorrow your heart may not find any more. When you trust God’s love, every new morning; more you shall surely find. Don’t let your soul relent, faithful seek His heart. Let His love cuddle you, let your soul snuggle up in the warmth. Let your heart find a safe place, find your forever rest. In the midst, you WILL find Him… there!


24 thoughts on “A Message; The Cling!

  1. These words are beautiful and comforting Warren. We do need to cling to the divine. “Even when words are not said, the love… everything; a heart will ever need.” Amen! Love never fails.

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  2. God is the only certain thing in this world. It was said death and taxes are certain. But taxes are being deferred and death has met its match. When Jesus returns those waiting for His appearance will never taste death. Yes, God is certain.

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